
Scottish Planning Series: Planning Circular 5 2011: Disposal of Surplus Government Land - The Crichel Down Rules

This circular sets out the revised non-statutory arrangements known as the‘Crichel Down Rules’ under which surplus Government land which wasacquired by, or under a threat of, compulsion should be offered back to formerowners and their successors

Where address is unknown

19. Where the former owner is not readily traceable the disposing department will contact the solicitor or agent who acted for him or her in the original transaction. If a present address is then ascertained the procedure described in Rule 18 above should be followed. If the address is not ascertained, however, the department will attempt to contact the former owner by advertisement, as set out in Rule 20 below, informing the solicitor or agent that this has been done.

20. Advertisements inviting the former owner to contact the disposing department will be placed as follows:

a. for all land (including houses), in not less than two issues of at least one local newspaper circulating in the area, in the Edinburgh Gazette and on the disposing department's website;

b. In addition, for agricultural land in not less than two issues of the Scottish Farmer or such other appropriate publication(s).

Site notices announcing the disposal will be displayed on, or near, the site.

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