
Scottish Police Authority, Police Scotland and Scottish Government meeting: June 2024

Minutes from the meeting between the Justice Secretary, the Chair of the Scottish Police Authority and the Chief Constable of Police Scotland on 26 June 2024.

Attendees and apologies

  • Angela Constance MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs
  • Martyn Evans, Chair, Scottish Police Authority
  • Lynn Brown, Chief Executive, Scottish Police Authority
  • Jo Farrell, Chief Constable, Police Scotland
  • Bex Smith, Deputy Chief Constable, Police Scotland
  • Penelope Cooper, Deputy Director, Police Division, Scottish Government
  • Scott McNeil, Police Division, Scottish Government (note)

Items and actions

Body worn video (BWV)

The Chief Constable provided an update on plans for the roll out of BWV to officers and staff. CC Farrell acknowledged that while they were still working to finalise a revised roll out timetable, it would not be commencing as quickly as she had hoped. CC Farrell highlighted the complexity of the programme and the importance of ensuring that having procured the best quality equipment that the relevant infrastructure was fully integrated with Police Scotland systems before rolling out. 

The Cabinet Secretary reiterated the Programme for Government commitment to support Police Scotland in its plan to begin the roll out of BWV before the end of 2024. 

Police Scotland aim to give a more detailed timeline of the rollout and what this will look like by the end of July. The SPA Chair and Chief Executive were content with the rollout plans currently, highlighting the importance of taking the time to ensure that the right solution is developed.

CC Farrell will write to the Cabinet Secretary formally with full details of progress on the roll out of BWV in due course.

Proportionate response to crime (PRTC)

CC Farrell provided an update on the roll out of PRTC. The third phase was launched on 24 June in the West area. Police Scotland continue to carry out quality assurance checks and will adapt the approach where required. Police Scotland will also carry out an assessment of the impact of PRTC.

The SPA Chair is content with progress and highlighted two areas SPA are interested in exploring further through Police Scotland reports: data on how this has been received by the public; and how the additional officer capacity is being utilised.

CC Farrell will provide data and evidence of the impact of PRTC when reporting to the SPA Policing Performance Committee in due course.

Criminal justice system improvements

The Cabinet Secretary shared with the Chief Constable and SPA Chair that her officials are planning a session with justice system partners by the end of July to take this work forward. The aim is to identify additional improvements in the justice system beyond the work of the Transformational Change Programme, building in shared accountability and taking into consideration how these changes would impact on each partner. Officials will then bring this to the Cabinet Secretary, Lord Advocate and Lord President to agree next steps.

The Chief Constable and SPA Chair welcomed the update, highlighting areas where there were opportunities for improvement. The Chair spoke of the value in exploring practises in different jurisdictions. While acknowledging the success of pilot programmes, CC Farrell noted the need to consider the additional resources these had required.

All agreed on the importance of ensuring objectivity in any approach to change and that the priority would be to improve the experience of those who come into contact with the justice system. Criminal justice system improvements will continue to be on the agenda at future meetings.

Revised model of policing

CC Farrell gave an overview on progress towards a revised model of policing, focussing on the 2030 Vision for Policing that Police Scotland are currently developing which will provide an overarching framework for delivering the revised model. CC Farrell emphasised the need to ensure supporting victims and a thriving workforce feature in the vision as well as safer communities and reducing crime. 

CC Farrell was grateful for the investment in policing this year which has allowed Police Scotland to develop the new model while noting the scope of the work required. The Chief Constable plans to discuss the vision in detail with the Authority in the autumn and will take on views of stakeholders.

The SPA Chair was supportive of the vision as outlined by the Chief Constable, reiterating that while the new model will bring efficiencies to policing the focus is on improving service to the public. The Chair also highlighted the need for robust evidence to understand the impact of changes both on the workforce and those who come in to contact with Police Scotland. The SPA Chief Executive noted the importance of engaging with key partners as develop the revised model.

The Cabinet Secretary will continue to request updates on the revised model of policing at future meetings with the Chief Constable and SPA Chair.

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)

DCC Smith provided feedback on the draft final report of the Independent Review Group (IRG) stating that the main challenge for Police Scotland is to mainstream EDI across the service so that it is built into the fabric of the organisation. Assistant Chief Constable Catriona Paton is now the executive lead for EDI and is liaising with the IRG as they finalise the report which is due to be published later in the summer. ACC Paton has done considerable work already in this area around prioritisation and is exploring how to take this work forward.

DCC Smith then addressed progress on the findings of the interim IRG report. Since publication of the report in May 2023, Police Scotland have revised the approach to EDI to provide a better structure and understanding of what they are going to deliver and who is leading on that which will make it easier to show progress. 

CC Farrell noted the importance of the Policing Together Oversight Group in providing reassurance on progress. The SPA Chair noted that there was now an expectation around delivery and to show results quickly, and highlighted the importance of the Superintendents and Chief Superintendents in driving this change. The Chair would expect to see evidence of change coming through in the next year.

In response to a question from the Cabinet Secretary on the views and role of staff diversity associations, DCC Smith was of the view that they will be in agreement with Police Scotland’s position on progress made to date, while emphasising the vital role of stakeholders as they work together on prioritising and mainstreaming EDI. 

Mental health and policing

The Chief Constable gave a brief update on progress in relation to policing and mental health, noting she was content with progress made to date. The Cabinet Secretary reiterated her commitment to supporting Police Scotland in driving this forward.

Hate crime

Following a question form Murdo Fraser MSP in Parliament on 5 June in relation to non-crime hate incidents, the Cabinet Secretary invited the Chief Constable or SPA Chair to write to Mr Fraser directly.

The Chief Constable agreed to look into this and will provide an update to the Cabinet Secretary and SPA Chair. The Cabinet Secretary’s officials will also share the transcript of the discussion in Parliament to ensure Police Scotland have all the relevant details.

Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) (Scotland) (PECSS) Bill

Following up on discussions at the previous meeting with CC Farrell on 4 June, the Cabinet Secretary informed the Chief Constable and SPA Chair that her officials had obtained agreement from the Scottish Police Consultative Forum (SPCF) to form a sub-group to consider potential changes to conduct regulations with the first meeting scheduled for late July. 

The Cabinet Secretary is content for work on secondary legislation to carry on in parallel with the Bill but noted that Stage 2 is likely to begin after recess. The Cabinet Secretary wrote to the Criminal Justice Committee following the evidence sessions which they found helpful. She also provided reassurance that the Committee took on board the evidence provided by DCC Speirs.

Police officer numbers

The Chief Constable provided an update on officer numbers. From the SPA Board paper published on 24 June, as at 14 June there were 16,267 officers (FTE). CC Farrell anticipates that this number might dip further at the beginning of July, depending on retirement numbers, before increasing later in the month with the induction of an additional 257 officers. CC Farrell spoke of the benefit of holding training for new recruits at Jackton as well as at Tulliallan. These include the potential for increasing the EDI balance of new recruits.

While the SPA Chair noted the Board does have concerns about the drop in numbers, he highlighted that Police Scotland will have the highest number of recruits in a single year this year and that it appeared Police Scotland were not facing issues in the number of applicants or quality of recruits. The Chair is of the view that Police Scotland will have to better explain why the numbers fluctuate and understand reasons for officers leaving.

The Cabinet Secretary noted that officer numbers will continue to be of Parliamentary and public interest in the months ahead.

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Police Division
Scottish Government
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