
Scottish Police Authority, Police Scotland and Scottish Government meeting: October 2024

Minutes from the meeting between the Justice Secretary, the Chair of the Scottish Police Authority and the Chief Constable of Police Scotland on 31 October 2024.

Attendees and apologies

  • Angela Constance MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs
  • Jo Farrell, Chief Constable, Police Scotland
  • Jane Connors, Deputy Chief Constable, Police Scotland 
  • Martyn Evans, Chair, Scottish Police Authority
  • Lynn Brown, Chief Executive, Scottish Police Authority
  • Penelope Cooper, Deputy Director, Police Division, Scottish Government
  • Lynsey McKean, Police Division, Scottish Government (note)

Items and actions

Police Scotland three-year business plan

The discussion focussed on the implementation and oversight of the plan and how it will positively impact on policing and communities. The Chief Constable spoke about realising the benefits of upstream investment which the plan seeks to deliver through efficiencies and increased productivity. The Chair spoke about the importance of the investment in technology and modernisation of the estate as crucial components to delivery of the plan. Consideration is also taking place on future HR systems for the organisation. The Cabinet Secretary highlighted her ongoing interest in the delivery, oversight and impact of the plan. It was agreed this would be a focus of future meetings.

Estates management

The Chief Constable spoke about her ambition for the Police Scotland estate, setting out the changes the three-year plan seeks to deliver, which requires a modernised estate. To do this, Police Scotland wish to have the ability to borrow and retain capital receipts for reinvestment into the estate. The Chair stressed that there has been a clear technical assessment of what is required within the estate, and it has the Scottish Police Authority's (SPA) full support. He spoke about the public messaging in relation to changes in the estate, including the ability to explain to MSPs and the public through a virtual map of Scotland, the current situation and what future plans to deliver a modernised estate would look like. The Cabinet Secretary set out that she was keen to assist and was sympathetic to Police Scotland's position. She explained that the legislation governing borrowing by public bodies is similar to that of the Scottish Government, who also want more borrowing powers. Work is underway to consider both financial and legal considerations to understand what is possible. The Cabinet Secretary suggested looking at the re-classification of Housing Associations and their ability to borrow. Officials agreed to take forward. 

Police officer and staff pay

Reflecting on the pay offer, the Cabinet Secretary asked about the possible removal of goodwill while the conciliation process is underway. DCC Connors explained the last withdrawal of goodwill took place in 2022. Police Scotland has similar contingency plans in place and is confident the organisation is well placed to respond, with the appropriate mitigations in place should the situation arise. The Chief Constable spoke about reflecting on this year’s process and plans to consider how to improve communications around pay negotiations in the future.

Recording of sex and gender

The Chief Constable spoke about the interest in this matter from the Public Petitions Committee. She underlined that Police Scotland is continuing their review work as set out at the SPA Board on 26 September. Police Scotland will also take account of wider developments, including the work of the UK Government. The Chair spoke about the usefulness of having the Equalities Commission view on when a person does not have a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC), and someone is transitioning. The Supreme Court judgement will also be helpful. There was agreement that this work needs to strike the balance with treating people with respect and in accordance with their human rights, while identifying and dealing appropriately with those who intend harm.


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