
Scottish Procurement Collaborative Newsletter: June 2019

Updates on collaborative framework contracts between April and June 2019.

1. Application Design and Development Services Framework

Scottish Procurement wish to advise that the ADDS framework will expire on 31 July 2019.  All contracts awarded via the framework will continue until their agreed expiry date.

Although Scottish Procurement are not extending the ADDS framework there is still a number of frameworks and dynamic purchasing systems that organisations can procure a range of ICT services from – including the scope of services that were available via the ADDS framework.

Please refer to our Contracts Directory for more information – ICT Services and Software section. 

If you have any questions contact:

Suzanne Reid on 0141 242 0231

2. Print and Associated Services Framework 2019

This category A framework commenced on 1 April 2019 for a period of two years with options to extend up to a further two years. A total of 14 suppliers have been appointed across the three lots of which details are included within the buyer's guides.

If you have any questions contact:

Neil MacTavish on 0141 242 5589
Martin Mooney
  on  0131 244 4437

3. Temporary and Interim Staff Services – framework launch events

​​​​​The Temporary and Interim Staff Services Frameworks commenced service on 13 April 2019. These four collaborative frameworks will run for a maximum period of four years until 12 April 2023.

Scottish Procurement are holding launch events this summer in order that we can help users get the best out of the frameworks; this is a good opportunity to meet the framework suppliers, discuss any concerns or forthcoming assignments or simply to say ‘hi’.

The proposed dates and venues are as follows:

23 July - Aberdeen City Centre (venue tbc)

24 July - Scottish Government offices, Victoria Quay, Leith

30 July - Scottish Government offices, 5 Atlantic Quay, Glasgow

Timings have yet to be agreed but will depend very much on uptake. Please ensure this information is circulated to any interested parties, hiring managers, Delegated Purchasing Officers and potential framework users within your organisation/sector.

If you wish to attend this event, please email by 5 July 2019 clearly stating what date or dates are preferable.

If you have any questions contact:

David Bilton on 0131 244 3627
Lisa Pittman
on 0141 242 5628

4. Internet of Things

Scottish Procurement intends to issue an OJEU Contract Notice for our Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies and Services Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) in June 2019.  Further details on scope etc can be found on our website and we hope to fully establish the DPS in August 2019. 

If you have any questions or want to tell us about any potential requirements you may have for IoT contact:

David Box on 0141 242 0345

5. Mobile Voice and Data Services

Following the success of previous collaborative mini competitions for Mobile Voice and Data Services (MVD), Scottish Procurement is in the process of developing a strategy for future MVD provision. 

We have held our first User Intelligence Group meeting with initial thoughts around establishing a collaborative Scottish framework agreement for the provision of MVD which could build upon the success of previous mini competitions and offer a broad range of core and optional services. Following completion of the strategy, any resultant arrangements may be available for use circa February 2020.

If you have any questions contact:

Dawn Swan on 0141 242 5595

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