Scottish Procurement Collaborative Newsletter: September 2019

Updates on collaborative framework contracts between July and September 2019.

1. Cloud Services Framework 

Scottish Procurement are delighted to announce the establishment of a new national agreement for the provision of Cloud Services with a forecast value of £30 million. The Cloud Services framework is a multi-supplier agreement and is open to all Scottish public sector organisations including the third sector.

The Cloud Services framework supports and is an enabler for a number of digital initiatives, specifically;Scotland’s Digital Strategy, ‘Realising Scotland’s full potential in a digital world and Data Hosting and Data Centre Strategy for the Scottish Public Sector.

The scope includes:

  • Public cloud (including access to hyper-scale public cloud)
  • Private cloud
  • Co-location
  • Hybrid cloud
  • Community cloud
  • Cloud transition services


  • Easy to use – call-off directly or via mini competition
  • Improving access to public sector contracts – 50% of suppliers are SMEs
  • Majority of suppliers host their cloud services in Scotland
  • Environmentally friendly with all suppliers having ISO 27001:2013 and deliver cloud services with a power usage effectiveness (PUE) rating below 1.6
  • Cyber security built in with all suppliers having third party cyber security accreditation
  • Value for money – estimated savings between 15-20%, prices capped over the duration of the framework
  • All suppliers support our Fair Work initiatives including paying above the Real Living Wage

The cloud services framework is available to use immediately and for additional information, including a link to the OJEU notice, please see our contracts register or contact Stuart Brown on 0141 242 5626.

2. Server and Infrastructure Maintenance Framework

Scottish Procurement are delighted to launch a new national agreement for the provision of a Server and Infrastructure Maintenance framework. The framework is a single supplier agreement with MCSA and is open to all Scottish public sector organisations including the third sector.

The scope of the framework includes the following core services:

  • All server types
  • Local area network (LAN) switches
  • Tape drives and tape libraries
  • Keyboard video monitor switch (KVM)
  • Network attached storage (NAS) devices – storage area network (SAN)
  • Uninterruptable power supplies
  • Private branch exchange (PBX) and video conferencing equipment


  • Easy to use – organisations will be able to call off directly
  • Supplier is an SME
  • Service will be delivered from a local Scottish office
  • Supplier committed to Fair Work principles including Real Living Wage
  • Cyber security built in with supplier having third party cyber security accreditation
  • Value for money – savings will be in the region of 20%

The framework is available to use immediately, for additional information, please see our contracts directory or contact Dawn Swan on 0141 242 5595.

3. Framework for the sourcing and booking of meeting rooms and conference venues

A new framework for the sourcing and booking of meeting rooms and conference venues has been awarded to ExecSpace Limited and commenced on 1 September 2019 for a period of four years. The new framework is accessible to all Scottish public sector bodies.

We are working in conjunction with ExecSpace to develop a buyer's guide in order to provide organisations with the information they need to call-off from the framework. This will be available shortly. Once complete all information relating to the new framework and the process to follow will be available on the Knowledge Hub.

Any organisation that previously used the Travel Services One Stop Shop Framework to source this service should note that ExecSpace is now the sole option for this service as the new travel services contract with CTM does not include the option to book meeting and conference venues.

Should you require any further information please contact Darren Russell or Fraser Williamson.

4. Media Planning, Buying and Associated Services Framework Agreement

The recent procurement exercise for the relet of the media planning, buying and associated services framework agreements has now concluded. The new collaborative framework for these services went live on 1 September 2019 for a four year period until 31 August 2023.

The framework has two lots, Lot 1 UK and overseas media and Lot 2 international media (purchased and placed in-country) and covers television, radio, press, digital, cinema and out of home advertising. Details of the names of the suppliers appointed to each lot are:

Lot 1 - UK and overseas

  • Republic of Media Ltd
  • Carat Scotland, a trading division of Dentsu Aegis Limited
  • MediaCom Edinburgh
  • The Media Shop Scotland Limited
  • Spiritmedia Scotland Limited

Lot 2 - international media (purchased and placed in-country)

  • Carat Scotland, a trading division of Dentsu Aegis Limited

Guidance for the new framework and the process to follow when calling off will be available within the Scottish Procurement Information Network group on the Knowledge Hub in due course.

Please share this information with any interested parties and potential framework users within your organisation or sector.

If you have any questions about the framework please contact Alastair Dougall on 0141 242 5594 or Paul Brydon on 0131 244 3718.

5. Media Services Framework

Scottish Procurement will shortly commence work on the procurement exercise to re-let the Media Services Framework. The current framework offers the following core services:

Lot 1

  • Press cuttings service
  • Broadcast service
  • Online news media service
  • Social media service
  • Evaluation and analytics service

Lot 2

  •  News distribution and online news room service
  • Enquiry management service

An initial user intelligence group meeting is planned for 25 September 2019.

If you would like to be involved in the re-let process or would like further information about the services the framework offers, please contact or

6. National Framework Contract for the Supply of Natural Gas

Following a rigorous EU procurement process, Scottish Procurement can now announce that the re-let of the National Framework Contract for the Supply of Natural Gas was awarded to Total Gas and Power Limited.  The Supply of Natural Gas under the new contract will commence on 1 April 2020 and will run until 31 March 2022, with options for three yearly extensions until 31 March 2025.

Key benefits of the new contract include:

  • Expected savings of at least £7.5m per year
  • Reduction in management fees compared to the current contract
  • Continued benefit of Scottish Procurement’s flexible purchasing of wholesale gas, which smooths out short to medium term market fluctuations
  • Access to green gas at a market prices with supporting Renewable Gas Guarantee of Origin (RGGOs)
  • Enhancements to the current billing content and invoicing will be offered before supply begins under the new contract
  • Total Gas and Power have committed to a range of community benefits which include apprenticeship training programmes, engagement with Scottish companies for sub-contracting works and services, funding towards community projects  and supported education and training schemes
  • Support to public bodies to help them to reduce their gas consumption through energy efficiency measures

Customers should note that the money saved by reductions in management fees may not result in lower bills overall because increases to other cost elements, such as UK government levies and the cost of wholesale gas, may be greater than the costs saved through the tender exercise.

Next steps:

  • Existing agency agreements will continue to be valid under the new contract so existing customers do not need to complete any additional documentation.
  • Sites will be transferred automatically from the current contract, subject to a site validation exercise, which will be undertaken by Total Gas and Power by 31 March 2020.
  • Further information regarding the new contract will be issued in the coming months.

7. Mobile Voice and Data Services

Scottish Procurement is looking to establish a Mobile Voice and Data Services single supplier framework agreement which is expected to go live in early 2020. If you would like to join a number of other public sector organisations in being an anchor customer for this arrangement, please contact Dawn Swan on 0141 242 5595 for further details. Don’t worry if you are unable to commit at this time, you’ll still be able to use the framework.

8. Digital Conferencing Services

Our Digital Conferencing Services framework agreement has been extended into its final option period and is now due to expire on 31 August 2020. More details on this framework can be found here.

9. Internet of Things Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)

Scottish Procurement is delighted to announce that we have now established our latest Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) within our ICT portfolio. The Internet of Things (IoT) DPS went live on 6 September 2019 and is available for Scottish public sector organisations to use with immediate effect. The DPS enables easy access to this exciting new and evolving technology and has a wide range of suppliers able to deliver a variety of IoT technologies and services. Further information on the DPS including the high level scope, supplier's list and buyer's guide can be found on our website. A flavour of the IoT services and technologies available include device management, integration, data management, analytics and IoT related hardware.

Over 75% of our suppliers are SMEs and some of the key benefits are:

  • All suppliers have third party cyber security accreditation or equivalent
  • All suppliers have accepted streamlined model terms specific to this arrangement and which can be used by buying organisations for their call-off contracts
  • All suppliers have confirmed that they will pay staff involved in any call-off contracts at least the Real Living Wage

Suppliers can apply to join the DPS at any time and we expect the numbers to increase over the 24 month duration of the DPS.

If you have any questions about the IoT DPS, please contact David Box (0141 242 0345) or Anamaria Rehbein (0131 244 5749).

10. Brexit

Uncertainty around Brexit remains but Scottish Procurement continue to monitor the level of any impact associated with Brexit particularly under a no-deal. Engagement with key suppliers on SG led agreements are ongoing with focus on preparedness and contingencies to minimise disruption and/or adverse commercial outcomes.

We continue to work with sectoral procurement Centres of Expertise and UK Government commercial colleagues to enable an aligned approach and share knowledge.

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