
Scottish procurement policy handbook

This handbook provides guidance on the rules and policies that apply to the procurement activities of public bodies in Scotland and highlights some key legal obligations.

22. Construction projects

Those who are responsible for buying, managing or delivering construction projects should refer to the Client Guide to Construction Projects. This is designed to help public bodies improve their construction project management and ultimately to deliver successful outcomes in construction projects. It can also be used by contractors and consultants to increase their understanding of the processes organisations follow.

The guide is mandatory throughout the Scottish Government, its agencies and organisations covered by the Scottish Public Finance Manual. It is divided into three handbooks which can be accessed on the links below:

All public bodies should complete the Construction Capability Assessment Tool prior to embarking on any construction project, this will assist in ensuring that the public body is properly set up to successfully deliver the project.

More support is available from the Scottish Government Construction Procurement Policy Unit. This includes CPNs about new policy, guidance and other developments related to public sector construction. There is also general information about public sector construction procurement policy on the Scottish Government website.



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