Scottish procurement policy handbook
This handbook provides guidance on the rules and policies that apply to the procurement activities of public bodies in Scotland and highlights some key legal obligations.
25. Annex: Glossary
- Bidder – used as a general term throughout the Handbook to encompass bidders, tenderers and, in the case of restricted procedures, candidates
- Client Guide to Construction Projects – specific policy and guidance for public bodies on the procurement of construction related contracts
- Concession Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016 – apply when a public body is awarding a concession contract. A concession contract is a works or services contract which allows the contractor to exploit the works or services it provides in lieu of some or all payment from the public body. An example of a works concession contracts might be the construction of a road, for which the supplier is allowed to charge users a toll. An example of a services concession contract might be the provision of café facilities in an office building, from which the contractor is allowed to generate and keep revenue. A contractor may receive some payment from the public body under a concession contract, but must be exposed to a level of operating risk such that it is not guaranteed to recoup its investment
- Construction Policy Notes (CPN) – construction policy and supplementary information issued by the Scottish Government to public sector organisations and other relevant bodies on construction-related matters
- Contracts register – a register of contracts which includes, as a minimum, all Regulated Procurement contracts
- Delegated Purchasing Authority (DPA) – the authority given to an individual to sign off contracts/make purchases
- Framework agreement – an agreement between a public body and one or more suppliers for the supply of specified goods, services or works over a period of time. The framework agreement has agreed terms and conditions, defined pricing structure and if appropriate quality requirements. The main difference between a framework agreement and a contract is that a framework does not state the quantity of the goods, services or works, or when they will be bought. Individual contracts specifying the quantity and timescale are awarded under the terms of the framework agreement
- Procurement Journey – an online platform providing guidance, best practice and templates for public bodies on the procurement of goods, services and care and support services
- Procurement Officer – a member of staff with Delegated Purchasing Authority (DPA), who undertakes procurement as the main function of their role
- Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) – the Scottish Government’s official national portal for public sector contract opportunities
- Public Contracts Scotland-Tender (PCS-T) – the national eTendering system, centrally funded by the Scottish Government. The system is a secure and efficient means for buyers and suppliers to manage tender exercises online
- Regulated Procurement – in relation to public contracts, procurements with an estimated value of £50,000 and above for goods and services and £2,000,000 and above for works contracts and which are not otherwise exempt from the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014
- Scottish Procurement Policy Notes (SPPN) – procurement policy, guidance and legislation issued by the Scottish Government to public sector organisations and other relevant bodies
- Scottish Public Finance Manual (SPFM) – provides guidance to the Scottish Government and other relevant bodies on the proper handling and reporting of public funds
- Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016 – apply when a public body or public undertaking is awarding a contract for the purpose of helping it to carry out one of the activities listed in regulations 8 to 14 of those regulations. These activities include: the provision or operation of networks to supply gas, heat, drinking water or electricity, and the supply of gas, heat, drinking water or electricity to such networks; the provision or operation of networks for transport by railway, automated systems, tramway, trolley bus, bus or cable; the provision of airports, maritime ports, inland ports and other terminal facilities; the provision of postal services; and the exploitation of an area for the purpose of extracting oil, gas, coal or other solid fuels, and exploring for coal or other solid fuels
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