
Scottish procurement policy handbook

This handbook provides guidance on the rules and policies that apply to the procurement activities of public bodies in Scotland and highlights some key legal obligations.

6. Collaborative procurement

Collaborative procurement can help public bodies achieve VfM while delivering economic, social and environmental benefits. It involves public bodies’ buying teams, the Scottish Government, Procurement Centres of Expertise and suppliers working in partnership. This collaboration can:

  • increase spending power
  • make for more efficient use of procurement resources and skills
  • result in greater sharing of best practice
  • encourage competition and innovation in the marketplace.

There are a number of collaborative contracts and frameworks which public bodies can use to buy a range of goods and services. These are divided into four categories:

  • Category A – national contracts let and managed by the Scottish Government
  • Category B – sectoral contracts let and managed by the Procurement Centres of Expertise
  • Category C – local contracts with one public body
  • Category C1 – local or regional contracts which involve a group of public bodies pooling their buying power and resources.

Public bodies should use existing collaborative contracts and frameworks when possible and appropriate. Contract registers for Categories A and B are available on the links below:



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