
Scottish procurement: policy manual

Guidance on the procurement policies that apply to the Scottish Government.

Fraud response procedures and anti-competitive practices

The risk of fraud must be appropriately managed by ensuring that inherent fraud risk within procurement is identified and assessed, with specific counter-fraud controls and mitigation activity in place to minimise exposure to these risks. The Scottish Government policy on the detection, reporting and handling of fraud is available in the SPFM. In accordance with the Fraud Response Plan, any suspected or confirmed cases of fraud, bribery or corruption, must be reported as soon as possible to the Governance and Risk Team, who will advise on further reporting where necessary, and on investigation.

Procurement Officers and DPOs must also be alert to anti-competitive practices, such as collusion and conflict of interest, cartel activity and bid rigging practices. 

Audit Scotland and Police Scotland have published information which Procurement Officers and DPOs can use to identify Procurement Red Flags.

The Competition and Markets Authority has detailed information and a free e-Learning module which covers anti-competitive practices in procurement.

Where further advice is required in relation to any suspected fraud or irregularity, or in relation to fraud risk management and counter-fraud control, contact should be made with the Counter Fraud Service.



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