
Scottish procurement: policy manual

Guidance on the procurement policies that apply to the Scottish Government.

Procurement thresholds

The estimated value of a contract determines which procurement regulations apply.

The Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 applies to procurements with an estimated value of £50,000 (excluding VAT) or above for goods and services contracts, or £2,000,000 (excluding VAT) or above for works contracts.

Certain regulations apply to the procurement of contracts equal to or above the World Trade Organisation’s Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) financial thresholds (see glossary for list of above GPA threshold regulations). These thresholds are revised every two years. Wherever VAT may be payable under a contract, an allowance for VAT must be included in the calculation of the estimated value of the contract for the purposes of determining whether the contract equals or exceeds the threshold values.




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