Annex 1: new services checklist
This checklist identifies the main issues that need to be considered when introducing a new or updated charging service.
- Define the service, and its rationale.
- Identify the users.
- Decide which organisation is to provide the service.
- How is the service to be provided - on line, telephone, personal or postal application, etc.
- Set the financial objective for the service.
- Carry out any necessary investment appraisal of options for delivery.
- Decide how capital and other start up costs are to be met.
- Decide which on-going costs are to be recovered.
- Decide whether the provider should retain any of the income from charges.
- Decide how the service is to be delivered and charged for.
- Establish the VAT position.
- Clarify any public expenditure issues, eg providing start up costs.
- Check that the legal powers to provide the service are adequate.
- Decide the charging structure: eg a single service, or several sub-services.
- If the service licences or registers people or organisations for an activity, decide whether there should be a single level of charge, or a scale of charges.
- Check that there are suitable costing processes in place, including tracking evolution of costs.
- Ensure that the performance of the service is monitored and reported to the leaders of the organisation responsible, with scope for feedback to change processes as need be.
- For commercial services, consider any competition law implications.
- Agree any special arrangements with specific users within the organisation or elsewhere in the public sector.
- Consult prospective users (or their proxies) as necessary.
- Decide the timetable for introducing the new or adjusted service.
- Make sure that, where required, the relevant Scottish Government Finance Business Partner (or equivalent) has approved the proposed package.
- Consult the Scottish Government Shared Services team at
Page Published/ Updated: January 2008