Public sector pay policy 2021-2022: equalities impact assessment (superseded)

This was the original pay policy equalities impact assessment document as published on 28 January 2021. Following negotiations during the passage of the draft Budget Bill, a revised pay policy document was issued and the equalities impact assessment similarly revised.

Scottish Public Sector Pay Policy 2021 to 2022: Equalities Impact Assessment

Title of Policy : Public Sector Pay Policy 2021-22

Summary of aims and desired outcomes of Policy : To set the 2021-22 pay policy for the Scottish Government and its Associated Departments; Executive Agencies; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Public Corporations and NHS Scotland Executives and Senior Managers.

The 2021-22 policy has been developed in the context of Scotland's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The overarching aims of the 2021-22 pay policy is to set pay increases in a way that is fair, progressive, restorative and affordable, protects the lower paid and protects jobs and services. The policy also promotes the wellbeing of public sector workers.

Directorate: Division: Team : Budget and Public Spending: Public Spending: Finance Pay Policy and Pension Team



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