
Scottish pubs code adjudicator: communications and engagement strategy

The Office of the Scottish Pubs Code Adjudicator regulates the relationship between tied pub landlords and tenants in Scotland. To achieve this, our communication and engagement strategy aligns with the Scottish Government’s communication plan and focuses on five core principles.


I am pleased to introduce the Office of the Adjudicator’s first Communication and Engagement Strategy.

The objectives for 2024-2025 are designed to enable us to fulfill our mission: to regulate the relationship between tied pub landlords (pub-owning businesses) and tenants in Scotland. We oversee and enforce the statutory Scottish Pubs Code, ensuring fairness and transparency.

Our goal is to promote a balanced and sustainable pub industry, where tenants receive equitable treatment and pub-owning businesses adhere to the Code. The Scottish Pubs Code supports the achievement of the Scottish Government's National Strategy for Economic Transformation through tackling inequality.

Our key objectives are:

Regulation and Oversight: We will diligently oversee and enforce the Scottish Pubs Code, ensuring that all tied pubs and pub-owning businesses comply with its provisions.

Fairness and Transparency: Our commitment lies in promoting fairness and transparency within tied pub lease agreements. We aim to create an environment where both landlords and tenants understand their rights and obligations.

Stakeholder Engagement: We value open dialogue and constructive collaboration. Our stakeholder engagement forum encourages honest discussions, respectful exchanges, and a commitment to understanding diverse viewpoints.

Learning and Improvement: We will use learning and intelligence derived from our regulatory activity to promote positive change and continuous improvement in practice and culture, both internally for ourselves in the delivery of a high quality public service, and externally as a regulator and advocate for positive relationships and fair dealings.

The Tied Pubs (Scotland) Act 2021 received Royal Assent in May 2021 and forms the legal foundation for our work. This legislation ensures that all tied pubs - regardless of the size of the pub-owning business - benefit from equitable treatment and protection.

The Scottish Pubs Code Adjudicator (SPCA) is a statutory body that operates independently of the Scottish Government, which means that parties can contribute to the implementation plans by utilising the opportunity of direct consultation as the Code is developed. Thus the core values of the stakeholder engagement group are:

  • honest and respectful dialogue;
  • constructive challenge;
  • commitment to understand all opposing views;
  • courage to compromise.

We are at the beginning of an exciting journey for the Office of the Adjudicator, and together, we can shape a fair and sustainable future for Scotland's pubs.

Sarah Havlin

Scottish Pubs Code Adjudicator



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