Scottish pubs code adjudicator: communications and engagement strategy

The Office of the Scottish Pubs Code Adjudicator regulates the relationship between tied pub landlords and tenants in Scotland. To achieve this, our communication and engagement strategy aligns with the Scottish Government’s communication plan and focuses on five core principles.

Who we are and how we work

The Office of the Adjudicator has been established as a source of expertise on the tied pub sector and on arbitration, providing reassurance to tied pub tenants that a clear process exists for resolving disputes. Our presence should encourage compliance with the Code by all parties involved.

Our approach will be rooted in fairness, transparency and collaboration, and we will engage with all parties to ensure that every issue is addressed objectively.

In addition, the Office of the Adjudicator will work with industry and tenants to specify the level of potential financial penalties for breaches to the Code, the level of fees for bringing cases to the Adjudicator, and rules around arbitration, including Adjudicator expenses.

We have also made significant headway on a website to ensure that key information is available, and this will continue to grow as we evaluate customer experience.

Through arbitration, investigation, and regulation, we aim to shape a fair and thriving pub sector for all involved.



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