
Scottish Pubs Code Adjudicator: complaints policy

How to complain about the Scottish Pubs Code Adjudicator service.

Making a complaint about our service

The Scottish Pubs Code Adjudicator (SPCA) is committed to offering a high standard of service.

If something goes wrong or you are dissatisfied with our service, please tell us. We will work with you to resolve it.

We take complaints seriously and strive to address any areas where our service may not have met the high standards we set for ourselves. Each complaint is valuable to us, as it provides insights that guide our ongoing efforts to enhance our service.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is defined as ‘any communication which expresses dissatisfaction with the quality of service provided by the SPCA’.

Please note that challenges to official regulatory or policy decisions, as well as to individual legal decisions or determinations made by the SPCA in the exercise of its statutory functions, cannot be treated as complaints under this policy. While we will make every effort to address and respond to all concerns brought to our attention, these types of challenges are considered legal matters rather than complaints. We would encourage you to seek independent legal advice to escalate such concerns or challenges through the appropriate methods.

What you can complain about

You can complain about things like:

  • delays in responding to your enquiries and requests
  • failure to provide a service
  • our standard of service
  • treatment by, or attitude of, a member of staff
  • our failure to follow proper procedure

Your complaint may involve more than one service or be about someone working on our behalf.

There are some things we can't deal with through our complaints handling procedure.

These include:

  • things that are covered by a right of appeal
  • Freedom of Information or Environmental Information request decisions
  • legal proceedings or judgements

If other procedures or rights of appeal can help you resolve your concerns, we will give information and advice to help you.

Complaints process

Stage one: early resolution

We aim to acknowledge all complaints within three working days.  Your complaint will be investigated and a response provided within 20 working days,  In exceptional circumstances, this may be extended by an additional five working days or if appropriate the complaint may be escalated directly to stage two. If you are dissatisfied with our response, you can ask us to consider your complaint at stage two.

Stage two: investigation

We will review your complaint at this stage if you are unhappy with our response at stage one. In some cases, we may proceed directly to this stage if the complaint is complex, requires a detailed investigation, or if this approach is otherwise appropriate. We will acknowledge your complaint within three working days and aim to provide our final decision as soon as possible, typically within 20 working days. If it will take longer than 20 days to provide our final decision we will inform you and keep you updated on our progress.

The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

If you remain dissatisfied with our final decision or with how we handled your service complaint, you may request a review by the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman. This request must be made within one month of receiving our final decision letter. We will provide guidance on how to proceed with this option when we send our final response. More information can be found here:

Get help to make a complaint

Anyone can make a complaint to us, including the representatives of someone who is dissatisfied with our service.

There may be reasons why you are unable, or reluctant, to make a complaint yourself. We can take complaints from a friend, relative, or an advocate, if you have given them your consent to complain for you.

You can find out about advocates in your area by contacting the Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance.

How to make a complaint

You can make your complaint about our service in writing using the email address below, by phone, or by post.

0300 244 1225

Sarah Havlin
Scottish Pubs Code Adjudicator

Food and Drink Division

Scottish Government
B1 Spur
Saughton House
Broomhouse Drive
EH11 3XD

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