Scottish referral guidelines for suspected cancer: quick reference guide
Scottish Referral Guidelines for Suspected Cancer is a quick reference guide for cancer referrals.
Urological Cancer
Urgent Referral
- Frank or macroscopic haematuria in adults (exclude infection in females <35 yrs).
- Microscopic haematuria with persistent irritative lower urinary tract symptoms.
- Swellings in the body of the testes.
- Palpable renal masses.
- Solid renal masses found on imaging.
- Clinically malignant prostate and/or bone pain ( PSA generally >20 in metastatic disease).
- Elevated age specific PSA (<70 yrs >3, >70 yrs >5) if radical treatment appropriate. Local laboratory values may vary.
- Any suspected penile cancer.
Non-urgent referrals
- Elevated age specific PSA and radical or urgent treatment not indicated.
- Microscopic haematuria (on 3 samples) without
obvious cause (e.g. UTI, renal calculi).
Afro-Caribbean men have an increased risk of prostate cancer and men with a first degree relative with prostate cancer have double the risk.
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