
Exotic notifiable animal diseases contingency plans - Scottish Regional Resilience Partnerships' framework: August 2022

Information on how and when operational partners should respond to a suspect or confirmed exotic notifiable animal disease outbreak.

Appendix K: Swine vesicular disease (SVD)


Swine vesicular disease (SVD) is a disease of pigs and was first identified in Italy in 1966, and outbreaks have mostly been in mainland Europe. There were numerous outbreaks in GB in the 1970s, but the last case was in 1982. The disease presents with blisters on the snout and feet and it is impossible to distinguish it from FMD upon inspection.

The Scottish Government's response to a SVD outbreak is outlined in the Scottish Government's Exotic Animal Disease Contingency Framework Plan. The SVD Control Strategy contains a more detailed response to SVD. During an outbreak of SVD in Scotland or elsewhere in GB, the SVD web pages will be supplemented with additional information specific to the disease outbreak.

Legislation and National contingency plan

Year: 1992

Disease Orders: EU Directive

Statutory Instrument number: 119/EC

Year: 2009

Disease Orders: The Products of Animal Origin (Disease Control) (Scotland) Amendment Order

Statutory Instrument number: 174

Year: 2010

Disease Orders: Scottish Government's Swine Vesicular Disease Contingency Plan (published October 2017)

Year: 2014

Disease Orders: The Diseases of Swine Regulations 2014

Statutory Instrument number: 1894

Possible impact

The disease is clinically indistinguishable from FMD and each report case must be treated as suspicion of FMD with a Temporary Control Zone under FMD Legislation. The consequences are that the impact would be felt beyond the pig sector. There would only be a moderate impact on the wider rural community, mostly as a result of FMD alarms. Once the disease was confirmed as SVD, the scale of the response would be significantly less than that for FMD.

Public health

Human disease does not occur, but laboratory workers have been known to seroconvert.

Risk of introduction of infection and spread of disease

The greatest risk factor for introduction of disease is pigs eating contaminated pork products. Disease can also enter the country via imported pigs, contaminated vehicles, personnel and animal products. Control measures are in place to prevent the introduction of disease by restricting imports from high-risk areas.

Pigs can be infected via direct contact with diseased pigs, by contact with lorries, market places, and loading ramps - in or over which infected animals have travelled – or boots, clothing, and hands of a stockperson who has attended diseased pigs. The disease is not as infectious as FMD.

Lead Responder Control Measures under Statutory and Regulatory Powers and Responsibilities

Local Authority principal role

  • Enforcing animal health and welfare legislation.
  • Enforcing movement restrictions.
  • Enforcing of C&D requirements.
  • Erection of signage and dissemination of guidance and information.
  • Stand down and recovery.

Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) principal role

  • Respond to and investigate all reports of suspect notifiable disease.
  • Lead agency in the instigation of local response to disease outbreak.
  • Convene the NDCC, CDCC and FOB
  • Supervise the welfare of animals being culled
  • Surveillance and blood sampling of animals to demonstrate the absence of disease and thus gain recognition of disease freedom.

Scottish Government principal role

  • Ensure necessary legislation is in place.
  • Make and disseminate policy decisions.
  • Make and disseminate guidance and information on disease control.
  • Communicate with field staff and enforcement bodies (such as local authorities).
  • Handle policy issues, as well as share disease control developments with SGoRR, NDCC, and other UK Rural Affairs departments.

Following suspicion of disease

  • A restriction notice is served on the suspect premises and if examination of animals cannot rule out Vesicular Stomatitis and FMD, Scottish Ministers would impose a FMD Temporary Control Zone.
  • This would restrict the movement of susceptible animals, non-susceptible animals, vehicles, certain personnel, and products likely to transmit disease on and off livestock holdings.
  • Disease may be confirmed within four hours, but in some circumstances it may take four days; consequently a negative result normally takes 4 days.

Following confirmation of disease

  • There is no provision under existing legislation for a national movement ban.
  • An Infected Area, consisting of a PZ and SZ will be established.
  • The PZ will be at least 3 km from the IP and the outer boundary of the SZ will be at least 10 km from the IP.
  • The Infected Area measures will include movement restrictions and enhanced biosecurity.
  • Some movements will be allowed under a general or specific movement licence according to risk assessment. A central C&D point would be necessary, but the throughput would be much less than for FMD.
  • Public access to land will be prevented only on farms where disease is believed to exist.
  • Footpaths in the Infected Area will remain "open" except on the IP.
  • All pigs on the IP and those considered to be Dangerous Contacts will be destroyed.
  • The preferred methods of disposal will be via commercial rendering or incineration.

Control Zones that may be declared

Statutory Instrument: FMD(S) Order 2006 (No 44)

Zone: Temporary Control Zone (TCZ)

Stage declared: Suspicion – FMD cannot be ruled out

Area: Any size considered fit by Scottish Ministers (SMs)

Controls: Article 15, 16, 17

Statutory Instrument: FMD(S) Order 2006 (No 44)

Zone: Supplementary Movement Control Zone

Stage declared: Suspicion – FMD cannot be ruled out

Area: Any size considered fit by SMs

Controls: Article 18, 19

Statutory Instrument: The Diseases of Swine Regulations 2014

Zone: Protection Zone (PZ)

Stage declared: Confirmation

Area: 3 km (minimum)


  • Regulation 23
  • Schedule 3 Part 1
  • Schedule 4 para 1, 3

Statutory Instrument: The Diseases of Swine Regulations 2014

Zone: Surveillance Zone (SZ)

Stage declared: Confirmation

Area: 10 km (minimum)


  • Regulation 23
  • Schedule 3 Part 2 (except para 13)
  • Schedule 4 para 2, 3

Statutory Instrument: The Diseases of Swine Regulations 2014

Zone: Feral Pig Investigation or Control Zone

Stage declared: Confirmation of disease in any wild animals GB

Area: Any size considered fit by SMs


  • Regulation 20, 21
  • Schedule 2



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