Scottish Rural Development Programme 2014-2020: Evaluation of Capital Grant Schemes: Annex A - Sector overview

This annex presents a sector overview as part of the independent evaluation of three capital grant schemes funded through the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014-2020. This is an annex to the main evaluation report.


CAGS - Crofting Agricultural Grant Scheme

CAP - Common Agricultural Policy

EAFRD - European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

EC - European Commission

ERDF - European Regional Development Fund

ESIF - European Structural and Investment Funds

ESF - European Social Fund

EU - European Union

FT - Full Time

FTE - Full Time Equivalent

GVA - Gross Value Added

H&I - Highlands and Islands

LFA - Less Favoured Area

NECGS - New Entrants Capital Grant Scheme

NLFA - Non Less Favoured Area

NPF - National Performance Framework

MA - Managing Authority

PT - Part Time

RA - Responsible Authority

RDP - Rural Development Programme

RDR - Rural Development Regulation

RESAS - Rural and Environmental Science and Analytical Services

SRDP- Scottish Rural Development Programme

SEA - Strategic Environmental Assessment

SFGS - Small Farms Grant Scheme

SG - Scottish Government

SI - Strategic Interventions

SWOT - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats



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