Scottish Rural Development Programme 2014-2020: ex-post evaluation - main report
This report presents findings from an independent ex-post evaluation of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014-2020. The report answers the European Commission’s 30 Common Evaluation Questions (CEQs)
AECS - Agri-Environment Climate Scheme
AHDB - Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board
AIR - Annual Implementation Report
ANF - Additional National Financing
BERD - Business Enterprise Research and Development
BES - Beef Efficiency Scheme
BS - Broadband Scheme
CAGS - Crofting Agricultural Grant Scheme
CAP - Common Agricultural Policy
CLLD - Community-Led Local Development
DSSB - Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband Programmes
EID - Electronic Identification
EAFRD - European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
EC - European Commission
EIP - European Innovation Partnership
ENRD - European Network for Rural Development
EU - European Union
FA - Focus Area
FAS - Farm Advisory Service
FFS - Future Farming Scotland
FGS - Forestry Grant Scheme
FLAGS - Fisheries Local Action Groups
FPMC - Food Processing, Marketing and Co-operation
FTE - Full Time Equivalent
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GERD - Gross Expenditure on Research and Development
GHG - Greenhouse gas
Ha - Hectare
HNV - High Nature Value
IPA - Improving Public Access
ITN - Integrated Trees Network
Km - Kilometre
KTIF - Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund
LAG - Local Action Group
LARCS - Local Actions in Rural Communities System
LEADER - Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l'Économie Rurale
LFA - Less Favoured Area
LFASS - Less Favoured Area Support Scheme
LMO - Land Managers Options
MA - Managing Authority
MEP - Member of European Parliament
MoU - Memorandum of Understanding
MP - Member of Parliament
MSP - Member of Scottish Parliament
NECGS - New Entrants Capital Grant Scheme
NESUGS - New Entrants Start-Up Grant Scheme
NFUS - National Farmers’ Union of Scotland
NGO - Non-Governmental Organisation
NRN - National Rural Networks
PA - Partnership Agreement
RAG - Research Advisory Group
RDOC - Rural Development Operational Committee
RDP - Rural Development Programme
RESAS - Rural and Environmental Science and Analytical Services
RISS - Rural Innovation Support Service
RP - Rural Priorities
RPID - Rural Payments and Inspections Division
SDS - Skills Development Scheme
SEPA - Scottish Environment Protection Agency
SFGS - Small Farms Grant Scheme
SG - Scottish Government
SLA - Service Level Agreement
SRDP - Scottish Rural Development Programme
SRN - Scottish Rural Network
SRP - Scottish Rural Parliament
SRUC - Scotland’s Rural College
SSSIs - Sites of Special Scientific Interest
TA - Technical Assistance
YFSUGS - Young Farmers Start-Up Grant Scheme
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