Scottish salmon and sea trout fishery statistics 2022

Summary of the salmon and sea trout fishery catch statistics updated for the 2022 season.

Glossary and abbreviations

1SW: One sea-winter salmon.

Farmed salmon: Atlantic salmon believed to be of farmed origin when caught.

Finnock: (also known as whitling or herling) are sea trout which have spent less that a year at sea and are making their first return to fresh water. Finnock have been reported since 2004 and are not included in the sea trout figures.

Method: Fishing method (rod, net and coble, fixed engine). Descriptions are available in Marine publications: collecting salmon and sea trout fishery data - (

MSW: Multi sea-winter salmon.

Multi sea-winter salmon: Atlantic salmon which have spent more than one winter at sea before returning to fresh water.

Netting effort: Summarised median number of crews for the net and coble fishery, and summarised median number of traps for the fixed engine fishery. Effort for the haaf net fishery in the Solway Firth are not included.

One sea-winter salmon: Atlantic salmon which have spent one winter at sea before returning to fresh water, also known as grilse.

Previous five-year average: The mean of the five years previous to the most recently published season (that is, for the 2022 season publication, the previous five-year average is the mean of seasons 2017 to 2021). The previous five-year average contains two years which were impacted by the restrictions in place during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Released: Fish which were caught, by any method, and released back into the water.

Retained: Fish which were caught, by any method, and not released back into the water.

Salmon: Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).

Sea Trout: Anadromous form of brown trout (Salmo trutta). The categories used to report sea trout data have varied througout the time series and are detailed in Marine publications: collecting salmon and sea trout fishery data - (

Spring MSW: Multi sea-winter salmon caught before 1 May.

Summer/Autumn MSW + 1SW: Sum of multi sea-winter salmon caught after 30 April and one sea-winter salmon caught at any time during the season.

Wild salmon: Atlantic salmon believed to be of wild origin when caught.



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