
Scottish salmon and sea trout fishery statistics 2023

Summary of the salmon and sea trout fishery catch statistics updated for the 2023 season.

Supplementary Tables

The following supplementary tables are available for download alongside this publication in Excel format.

  • Table 1: Rod catch of wild salmon, time series – annual total catch, annual released catch, and stock components, all Scotland
  • Table 2: Net catch of wild salmon, for 2023 – total catch, retained catch, released catch, and percentage released, by method, all Scotland
  • Table 3: Salmon fixed engine fishery, time series – annual total catch, annual retained and released catch, and netting effort, all Scotland
  • Table 4: Salmon net and coble fishery, time series – annual total catch, annual retained and released catch, and netting effort, all Scotland
  • Table 5: Salmon, for 2023 – total, retained, and released catch, number and percentage, by method, all Scotland
  • Table 6: Farmed salmon, for 2023 – number of farmed salmon caught, by Salmon Fishery Region
  • Table 7: Rod catch of sea trout and finnock, time series – annual total catch, annual released catch and annual percentage released, all Scotland
  • Table 8: Net catch of sea trout and finnock, for 2023 – total catch, retained catch, released catch and percentage released, by method, all Scotland
  • Table 9: Sea trout fixed engine fishery, time series – annual total catch, annual retained and released catch, and netting effort, all Scotland
  • Table 10: Sea trout net and coble fishery, time series – annual total catch, annual retained and released catch, and netting effort, all Scotland
  • Table 11: Sea trout, for 2023 - total, retained, and released catch, number and percentage, by method, all Scotland
  • Table 12: Form return, time series – number and percentage of forms returned since 1997, all Scotland



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