
Scottish salmon and sea trout fishery statistics 2023

Summary of the salmon and sea trout fishery catch statistics updated for the 2023 season.

Key Points – Sea trout

Overall, including all methods, the number of sea trout caught by Scottish fisheries in 2023 was fewer than the previous year.

  • The total reported rod catch of sea trout for 2023 is 14,823, the fifth lowest since 1952. This is an increase of 1% compared to 2022 and 103% of the previous five-year average.
  • Finnock catch has been reported since 2004. The total reported rod catch of finnock for 2023 is 5,874, the second lowest since records began. This is a decrease of 29% compared to 2022 and 80% of the previous five-year average.
  • Catch and release in 2023 accounted for 92% of the total sea trout rod catch. This is the highest percentage of released rod-caught fish since records began in 1994.
  • Reported retained catch and effort for the net fisheries were among the lowest recorded since records began. Released net-caught fish were reported for the first time in 2021.



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