Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS) 2015: Online Feasibility Study

The Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS) has always been administered on paper. This report summarises a feasibility study exploring the transition from paper to online administration. This is being considered for the 2015 wave of SALSUS

8 References

Ager, R., Bailey, M. and Sizmur, J. (2014). The PISA 2015 Field Trial in Scotland. Slough: NFER.

Beebe, T. J., Harrison, P. A., McRae, J. A., Anderson, R. A. & Fulkerson, J. A. (1998). An Evaluation of computer-assisted self-interviews in a school setting: Public Opinion Quarterly Volume 63: 23-632.

Brener, N. D., Eaton, D. K., Kann, L., Grunbaum, J. A., Gross, L.A. & Kyle, T. M. (2004). The association of survey setting and mode with self-reported health risk behaviours among high school students; Survey Methods Newsletter, National Centre for Social Research, Vol 22: Spring 2004.

Halfours, D., Khatapoush, S., Kadushin, C., Watson, K. & Saxe L. (2000). A comparison of paper versus computer-assisted self-interview for school alcohol, tobacco and other drug surveys.

Ipsos MORI (n.d.) In-School Online Research: the Hows, Whys, Whens and When Nots of Using Online Interviewing in Schools. [Unpublished paper].

ScotXed, (2013). Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS): To consider a proposal to move SALSUS from a paper based survey to an on-line administered survey in 2013. [Unpublished].

Telephone interview (28 November 2014) with Kate Tobin, Dartington Social Research, Researcher on Improving Children's Outcomes project.


Email: Emma McCallum

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