
Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS): alcohol report 2018

Findings on alcohol from the 2018 wave of the Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS).

Appendix A: Base Tables

Table A.1 Bases for Figure 2.2 Proportion of pupils who have ever had a drink, by sex and age (1990-2018)

  All 13 year old boys All 13 year old girls All 15 year old boys All 15 year old girls
1990 321 339 340 318
1992 380 348 292 332
1994 346 339 311 330
1996 314 302 318 276
1998 303 314 561 552
2000 624 582 592 571
2002 6027 6274 5278 5271
2004 1810 1736 1672 1742
2006 5821 5834 5649 5451
2008 2655 2710 2310 2337
2010 9788 9532 9118 8746
2013 8703 8657 8203 8047
2015 6271 6529 5592 5568
2018 5709 5610 4917 4961

Table A.2 Bases for Figure 2.3 Proportion of pupils who drank in the last week, by sex and age (1990-2018)

All 13 year old boys All 13 year old girls All 15 year old boys All 15 year old girls
1990 321 340 343 318
1992 381 348 294 332
1994 346 340 311 330
1996 315 302 317 275
1998 301 313 561 553
2000 620 579 591 571
2002 5943 6202 5229 5243
2004 1776 1721 1649 1729
2006 5886 5871 5687 5479
2008 2604 2665 2269 2320
2010 9715 9469 9085 8718
2013 8668 8616 8181 8028
2015 6185 6451 5506 5488
2018 5605 5520 4834 4901

Table A.3: Bases for Figure 2.4 Proportion of pupils, who have ever had a drink, who have ever been drunk, by sex and age (2002-2018)

13 year old boys who have ever had a drink 13 year old girls who have ever had a drink 15 year old boys who have ever had a drink 15 year old girls who have ever had a drink
2002 4091 4359 4557 4716
2004 1184 1189 1411 1553
2006 3243 3341 4614 4711
2008 1305 1325 1814 1908
2010 4074 3893 6724 6787
2013 2623 2510 5346 5654
2015 1708 1557 3465 3627
2018 2019 1877 3318 3506

Table A.4: Bases for Figure 2.5 Proportion of pupils who have had a drink in the last week, who had been drunk in the same period, by age and sex (2006-2018)

  13 year old boys who drank in the last 7 days 13 year old girls who drank in the last 7 days 15 year old boys who drank in the last 7 days 15 year old girls who drank in the last 7 days
2006 752 840 1957 2009
2008 268 313 685 671
2010 1297 1191 2959 2900
2013 329 339 1384 1484
2015 215 227 873 962
2018 331 321 977 976

Table A.5: Bases for Figure 2.6 Mean age at which 15 year old pupils who have ever had a drink, first had an alcoholic drink and first got drunk (2008-2018)

15 year olds who have ever had a drink (age first drank) 15 year olds who have ever had a drink (age first got drunk)
2008 3612 2651
2010 13375 9738
2013 10075 7098
2015 6100 4127
2018 6337 4288

Table A.6: Bases for Figure 3.4 Successful off-trade (shop, supermarket or off-licence) alcohol purchase attempts in the last 4 weeks among those who have ever had a drink, by age and sex (2006-2018)

13 year old boys who have ever had a drink 13 year old girls who have ever had a drink 15 year old boys who have ever had a drink 15 year old girls who have ever had a drink
2006 3155 3273 4519 4643
2008 1267 1305 1783 1897
2010 3940 3840 6625 6761
2013 2515 2425 5257 5610
2015 1664 1550 3399 3622
2018 1953 1876 3246 3526

Table A.7: Bases for Figure 3.5 Successful on-trade (pub, bar or club) alcohol purchase attempts in the last 4 weeks among those who have ever had a drink, by age and sex (2006-2018)

13 year old boys who have ever had a drink 13 year old girls who have ever had a drink 15 year old boys who have ever had a drink 15 year old girls who have ever had a drink
2006 3115 3272 4503 4635
2008 1266 1304 1793 1906
2010 3906 3819 6598 6742
2013 2496 2409 5242 5596
2015 1662 1544 3388 3624
2018 1959 1881 3238 3519

Table A.8: Bases for Figure 3.6 Proportion of pupils who have ever had alcohol who have asked someone else to buy alcohol for them in the last 4 weeks, by age and sex (2006-2018)

13 year old boys who have ever had a drink 13 year old girls who have ever had a drink 15 year old boys who have ever had a drink 15 year old girls who have ever had a drink
2006 3208 3312 4583 4687
2008 1274 1304 1777 1901
2010 3917 3814 6616 6737
2013 2534 2439 5294 5632
2015 1686 1548 3425 3599
2018 1981 1858 3263 3499

Table A.9: Bases for Figure 4.1 Acceptability of trying an alcoholic drink, by age and gender (2006-2018)

All 13 year old boys All 13 year old girls All 15 year old boys All 15 year old girls
2006 5382 5558 5343 5309
2008 2430 2578 2202 2304
2010 9056 9137 8678 8552
2013 8074 8311 7793 7822
2015 6075 6482 5390 5465
2018 5527 5608 4621 4832

Table A.10: Bases for Figure 4.2 Acceptability of trying getting drunk, by age and gender (2006-2018)

13 year old boys who have ever had a drink 13 year old girls who have ever had a drink 15 year old boys who have ever had a drink 15 year old girls who have ever had a drink
2006 5374 5556 5328 5296
2008 2432 2584 2215 2304
2010 9059 9143 8675 8547
2013 8081 8309 7790 7809
2015 5390 5465 5377 5451
2018 5524 5597 4626 4841

Table A.11: Bases for Figure 4.5 Amount learned about alcohol at school, by age (2018)

  All 13 year olds All 15 year olds
The risks to your health from alcohol 11004 9586
The effects that drinking alcohol can have on other areas of your life 10958 9576
That your ability to make decisions can be affected by drinking alcohol 10963 9560
That people's views about smoking, drinking and taking drugs can be affected by the things their friends say or do 10940 9536

Table A.12: Bases for Figure 4.6 Proportion of pupils who drank in the last week, by how much they said they had learned about alcohol topics at school (2018)

The risks to your health from alcohol

13 year olds 15 year olds
A lot 5160 4110
A little 3388 3397
Not much/not at all 1168 1241

The effects that drinking alcohol can have on other areas of your life

13 year olds 15 year olds
A lot 4815 3882
A little 3260 3264
Not much/not at all 1395 1501

That your ability to make decisions can be affected by drinking alcohol

13 year olds 15 year olds
A lot 4677 4066
A little 3259 3221
Not much/not at all 1485 1343

That people's views about smoking, drinking and taking drugs can be affected by the things their friends say or do

13 year olds 15 year olds
A lot 4568 3811
A little 3181 3192
Not much/not at all 1476 1526

Table A.13: Bases for Figure 4.7 Confidence in health and wellbeing choices, by age (2018)

All 13 year olds All 15 year olds
Having the information you need to make the right choices about your health and wellbeing 10859 9465
Saying no to doing something that you don't want to do 10847 9436
Knowing where to go for information and support about substance related issues 10822 9435
Avoid getting into risky situations due to alcohol 10810 9413

Table A.14: Bases for Figure 4.8 Proportion of pupils who drank in the last week, by confidence in future health and wellbeing choices (2018)

Having the information you need to make the right choices about your health and wellbeing

13 year olds 15 year olds
Very confident 4655 3451
Fairly confident 4415 4468
Not very/not at all confident 603 807

Saying no to doing something that you don't want to do

13 year olds 15 year olds
Very confident 6097 5185
Fairly confident 2896 2941
Not very/not at all confident 688 614

Knowing where to go for information and support about substance related issues

13 year olds 15 year olds
Very confident 4413 3169
Fairly confident 3835 3784
Not very/not at all confident 1237 1636

Avoid getting into risky situations due to alcohol

13 year olds 15 year olds
Very confident 5764 4190
Fairly confident 3108 3547
Not very/not at all confident 652 907

Table A.15: Bases for Figure 5.1 Proportion of pupils who drank in the last week, by family variables (2018)

Family status

13 year olds 15 year olds
Single parent 2043 1927
Step parent 890 891
Both parents 7858 6751

Maternal awareness

13 year olds 15 year olds
Median and above 3772 4052
Below median 7199 5723

Paternal awareness

13 year olds 15 year olds
Median and above 4273 4539
Below median 6242 4707

Family communication

13 year olds 15 year olds
Likely to talk 9691 8252
Not likely to talk 1391 1530

Caring responsibilities

13 year olds 15 year olds
Yes 1305 974
No 9733 8994

Table A.16: Bases for Figure 5.2 Proportion of pupils who drank in the last week, by friend variables (2018)

Number of friends

13 year olds 15 year olds
0 242 327
1 337 381
2 1114 1271
3+ 9006 7567

Age of friends

13 year olds 15 year olds
Older 542 530
Younger 217 195
Same aged 7208 6248
Mixed 2742 2575

Number of evenings spent with friends

13 year olds 15 year olds
None 1473 1285
1-2 evenings 3473 3593
3-4 evenings 3215 2861
5+ evenings 2223 1616

Own cash to spend per week

13 year olds 15 year olds
Less than £5 2418 1511
£0-5 5614 4284
More than £20 2705 3837

Table A.17: Bases for Figure 5.3 Proportion of pupils who drank in the last week, by school variables (2018)

How much do you like school at the moment?

13 year olds 15 year olds
Like it a lot 1832 1032
Like it a little 5130 4009
Not very much 2147 2537
Not at all 1420 1870

Feeling pressured by schoolwork

13 year olds 15 year olds
Never 1558 570
Sometimes 6018 3461
A lot of the time 2867 5383


13 year olds 15 year olds
Has been excluded 1337 1204
Has not been excluded 8931 8137


13 year olds 15 year olds
Not at 5819 4567
4-10 times 2890 2613
1-3 times 956 1165
More than 10 times 575 909

Post-school expectations

13 year olds 15 year olds
University 5877 5069
FE college 1241 1440
Apprenticeship 511 1109
Working 1110 832

Table A.18: Bases for Figure 5.4 Proportion of pupils who drank in the last week, by inequalities and geography variables (2018)

Self-rated health

13 year olds 15 year olds
Good 9466 8110
Fair 1674 1689
Bad 313 394

Illness or disability

13 year olds 15 year olds
Yes 1950 2223
No 8779 7399

Over SDQ score

13 year olds 15 year olds
Normal 6254 5319
Borderline 1611 1656
Abnormal 1821 1825


13 year olds 15 year olds
Below average 1293 1617
Average 6967 6585
Above average 1655 1050


13 year olds 15 year olds
1-most deprived 1531 1286
2 1932 1709
3 2346 2031
4 2857 2536
5- least deprived 2884 2709

Urban/rural classification

13 year olds 15 year olds
Urban 9201 7942
Rural 2349 2329



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