Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS): Drug Use Report 2015

This report presents the drugs findings from the 2015 wave of the Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS).

Appendix B: Base Tables

Table B.1 Bases for Figure 2.4 Proportion of pupils who had used drugs in the last month, by sex and age (1998-2015)

  All 13 year old boys All 13 year old girls All 15 year old boys All 15 year old girls
1998 303 314 561 552
2000 624 582 592 571
2002 6027 6274 5278 5271
2004 1810 1736 1672 1742
2006 5821 5834 5649 5451
2008 2655 2710 2310 2337
2010 9788 9532 9118 8746
2013 8703 8657 8203 8047
2015 6209 6550 5496 5498

Table B.2 Bases for Figure 2.6 Proportion of pupils who were drinking alcohol the last time they used drugs, by sex and age (2002-2015)

  13 year old boys who have ever used drugs 13 year old girls who have ever used drugs 15 year old boys who have ever used drugs 15 year old girls who have ever used drugs
2002 948 710 2013 1873
2004 268 210 568 595
2006 434 369 1458 1322
2008 189 147 581 501
2010 512 418 2076 1512
2013 419 322 1478 1260
2015 320 241 1056 803

Table B.3: Bases for Figure 3.1 Proportion of pupils ever offered drugs, by sex and age (1998-2015)

  All 13 year old boys All 13 year old girls All 15 year old boys All 15 year old girls
1998 306 315 562 554
2000 619 577 593 570
2002 5862 6155 5242 5240
2004 1784 1732 1673 1732
2006 5573 5690 5484 5368
2008 2423 2584 2229 2301
2010 9081 9142 8761 8562
2013 8164 8322 7930 7894
2015 6325 6651 5625 5605

Table B.4: Bases for Figure 3.4 Proportion of pupils who think it would be very or fairly easy to get drugs, by age and sex (2002-2015)

  All 13 year old boys All 13 year old girls All 15 year old boys All 15 year old girls
2002 5808 6103 5202 5217
2004 1761 1708 1647 1731
2006 5405 5552 5339 5299
2008 2453 2572 2217 2278
2010 8885 8879 8534 8372
2013 8114 8276 7854 7822
2015 6097 6464 5446 5504

Table B.5: Bases for Figure 4.1 Acceptability of trying cannabis, by age and gender (2006-2015)

  All 13 year old boys All 13 year old girls All 15 year old boys All 15 year old girls
2006 5917 5900 5714 5491
2008 2655 2710 2310 2337
2010 9788 9532 9118 8746
2013 8703 8657 8203 8047
2015 6067 6463 5379 5449

Table B.6: Bases for Figure 4.2 Acceptability of trying cocaine, by age and gender (2006-2015)

  All 13 year old boys All 13 year old girls All 15 year old boys All 15 year old girls
2006 5917 5900 5714 5491
2008 2655 2710 2310 2337
2010 9788 9532 9118 8746
2013 8703 8657 8203 8047
2015 6068 6481 5371 5464

Table B.7: Bases for Figure 4.3 Acceptability of trying glue sniffing, by age and gender (2006-2015)

  All 13 year old boys All 13 year old girls All 15 year old boys All 15 year old girls
2006 5917 5900 5714 5491
2008 2655 2710 2310 2337
2010 9788 9532 9118 8746
2013 8703 8657 8203 8047
2015 6070 6481 5386 5457

Table B.8: Bases for Figure 4.6 15 year olds who "don't know" if statements are true or false, by age and gender (2006-2015)

  All 15 year olds
2006 11274
2008 4671
2010 17936
2013 16288
2015 11697

Table B.9: Bases for Figure 5.3 Proportion of pupils who took drugs in the last month, by whether they agree that their school provides them with enough advice and support about taking drugs (2015)

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Agree 8171 6999
Disagree 1657 1332

Table B.10: Bases for Figure 5.5 Proportion of pupils who took drugs in the last month, by how much they said they had learned about drug topics at school (2015)

The risks to your health from drugs

  13 year olds 15 year olds
A lot 6716 6064
A little 3122 2929
Not much/not at all 1495 1001

The effects that taking drugs can have on other areas of your life

  13 year olds 15 year olds
A lot 5790 5323
A little 3434 3302
Not much/not at all 1840 1259

That your ability to make decisions can be affected by taking drugs

  13 year olds 15 year olds
A lot 5469 5280
A little 3459 3283
Not much/not at all 2029 1285

That people's views about smoking, drinking and taking drugs can be affected by the things their friends say or do

  13 year olds 15 year olds
A lot 5644 4952
A little 3544 3438
Not much/not at all 1682 1380

Table B.11: Bases for Figure 5.7 Proportion of pupils who took drugs in the last month, by confidence in future health and wellbeing choices (2015)

Having the information you need to make the right choices about your health and wellbeing

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Confident 10796 9197
Not very/not at all confident 549 793

Saying no to doing something that you don't want to do

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Confident 10683 9386
Not very/not at all confident 644 605

Knowing where to go for information and support about substance related issues

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Confident 9920 8233
Not very/not at all confident 1152 1581

Avoid getting into risky situations due to drugs

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Confident 10714 9224
Not very/not at all confident 420 635

Table B.12: Bases for Figure 6.1 Proportion of pupils who took drugs in the last month, by family variables (2015)

Family status

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Single parent 2596 2448
Step parent 1034 979
Both parents 8633 7174

Maternal awareness

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Median and above 8480 6182
Below median 3957 4603

Paternal awareness

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Median and above 7245 4969
Below median 4559 5203

Family communication

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Likely to talk 11328 9073
Not likely to talk 1406 1909

Caring responsibilities

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Yes 1473 937
No 10925 9942

Table B.13: Bases for Figure 6.2 Proportion of pupils who took drugs in the last month, by friend variables (2015)

Number of friends

  13 year olds 15 year olds
0 197 263
1 421 422
2 1383 1461
3+ 10336 8562

Age of friends

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Older 503 516
Younger 189 184
Same aged 8265 7018
Mixed 3396 2983

Number of evenings spent with friends

  13 year olds 15 year olds
None 1223 1104
1-2 evenings 3379 3392
3-4 evenings 3988 3584
5+ evenings 3398 2406

Own cash to spend

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Less than £5 a week 2861 1595
£5 or more, but less than £20 a week 8257 7215
£20 or more a week 1214 1847

Table B.14: Proportion of 13 year olds who had used drugs in the last month, by weekly activities (2015) - Percentages (Figure 6.3)

  Weekly Less than weekly
Playing sport 2% 4%
Going to a gig or concert 11% 2%
Doing a hobby 3% 3%
Hanging out in the street 6% 1%
Reading books 2% 4%
Do nothing 5% 2%

Table B.15: Proportion of 15 year olds who had used drugs in the last month, by weekly activities (2015) - Percentages (Figure 6.3)

  Weekly Less than weekly
Reading books 8% 12%
Hanging out in the street 21% 5%
Doing a hobby 9% 12%
Going to a gig or concert 20% 10%
Going to a friend's home 14% 5%

Table B.16: Proportion of 13 year olds who had used drugs in the last month, by weekly activities (2015) - Bases (Figure 6.3)

  Weekly Less than weekly
Playing sport 8847 3608
Going to a gig or concert 718 11659
Doing a hobby 7437 4967
Hanging out in the street 4783 7612
Reading books 5818 6661
Do nothing 2784 9230

Table B.17: Proportion of 15 year olds who had used drugs in the last month, by weekly activities (2015) - Bases (Figure 6.3)

  Weekly Less than weekly
Reading books 3499 7247
Hanging out in the street 3622 7094
Doing a hobby 5543 5160
Going to a gig or concert 816 9889
Going to a friend's home 7031 3691

Table B.18: Bases for Figure 6.4 Proportion of pupils who had used drugs in the last month, by school variables (2015)

How much do you like school at the moment?

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Like it a lot 2914 1538
Like it a little 6098 5022
Not very much 1970 2429
Not at all 1142 1595

Feeling pressured by schoolwork

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Never 2007 631
Sometimes 7355 4438
A lot of the time 2688 5482


  13 year olds 15 year olds
Has been excluded 1139 1049
Has not been excluded 10808 9481


  13 year olds 15 year olds
Not at all 7990 6122
4-10 times 2784 2584
1-3 times 731 988
More than 10 times 365 683

Post-school expectations and age

  13 year olds 15 year olds
University 7216 6094
FE college 1354 1646
Apprenticeship 320 847
Working 1232 873

Table B.19: Bases for Figure 6.5 Proportion of pupils who had used drugs in the last month, by inequalities and geography variables (2015)

Self-rated health

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Good 11119 9032
Fair 1431 1716
Bad 223 326

Illness or disability

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Yes 1743 1866
No 10459 8715

Emotional and behavioural difficulties (overall SDQ score)

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Normal 8228 6562
Borderline 1594 1767
Abnormal 1533 1671

Mental wellbeing ( WEMWBS Score)

  13 year olds 15 year olds
Below average 1393 1806
Average 7777 7238
Above average 1946 1134


  13 year olds 15 year olds
1- most deprived 2260 1997
2 2765 2419
3 2187 1704
4 3134 2647
5 - least deprived 2522 2349


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