Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS): Drug Use Report 2015

This report presents the drugs findings from the 2015 wave of the Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS).


1. The overall response rate excludes schools who took part in the Realigning Children's Services Survey. For more details, please see the SALSUS 2015 Technical Report


3. Please see the SALSUS Mode Effect report for more detail at:

4. The SALSUS 2015 Technical Report can be found at:

5. SALSUS 2015 Questionnaire is available at:

6. Questions on the use of individual NPS have been included in the 2010 and 2013 waves of SALSUS, although the specific substances asked about have changed over time. This is in part due to the changing nature of the drugs (the chemical formulas used have changed over time as have the names). Also a number of drugs that were once categorised as NPS have been classified as illicit drugs over the years. It is, therefore, not possible to make comparisons between reported use of NPS in the 2015 survey and the 2013 survey.

7. For full details of how area deprivation is calculated and its limitations please see the SALSUS 2015 Technical Report


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