
Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS): technical report 2018

Information on the fieldwork and data processing for the 2018 Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS).

Appendix D: Data specification

General Notes on this SALSUS 2018 Spec:

In general, if a question is left blank when it should have been answered as part of the normal routing of the questionnaire, it should be coded as -9 'not answered'.

If a question is left blank and it should indeed be blank due to the routing, code as -1 'not applicable'.

If a question has been answered even though it should have been skipped in the normal routing, it should also generally be coded as -1. However, there are a few questions where we have asked you to force answers based on the responses to follow-up questions, and these will be specifically outlined in the table below.

If a question has multiple responses where it should not, we have included instructions for how force the question to code as a single response (e.g., force to code closest to 4).

If there are no instructions for coding erroneous multiple responses for a particular question, force code to -9 'no answer'. These will be questions where forcing an answer is difficult because the response options are not scaled. Whenever there are multiple responses when there should not be, we would like you to flag the cases. Based on the number of respondents who chose multiple answers, we may want to change our method of forcing answers to make it randomised.

Qn Number Variable Base Edit rules
Q1 sex All If Not Answered, code as -9
Q2 classyr All If Not Answered, code as -9 All students with the same batch number (first 3 digits of number on cover sheet of q'aire) should have the same class year. By looking at the class year of other respondents with the same batch number, missing class years can be determined for students. At the end of coding, please use the batch number provided for each class to determine class year where students have not answered or multi-coded this question and enter the appropriate classyr code (S2=1, S4=2).
Q3 month All If Not Answered or Multi-Coded, code 9 (September)
Q4 year All If Not Answered, code as 3 if classyr = 2 and code 5 if classyr = 1 If multi-coded, force to oldest closest to code 1
Q5 whnlvskl All If Not Answered, code as -9 If multi-coded, force to extreme (code closest to 1)
Smoking edits:
  • Correct multiples as per specification below
  • Edit Q12 (as per specification), clearing data if sum of cigarettes > 100
  • If Q7 not codes 4-6 and sum Q12 = 1, Q7 = 4
  • If Q7 not codes 4-6 and sum Q12 = 2-6, Q7 = 5
  • If Q7 not codes 4-6 and sum Q12 = 7+, Q7 = 6
  • If any (as per edit) – Q8-Q12, Q6 = 1
  • If Q7 = 4-6, Q6 = 1; If Q7 = 1-3, Q6 = 2
Q6 cgnow All If Not Answered, code as -9. Force to code 1 if Q7= 4 or 5 or 6. Force to code 2 if Q7= 1 or 2 or 3. Force to code 1 if any at Q8-Q12
Q7 cgstat All If Not Answered, code as -9 If multi-coded, force to extreme (closest to 6)
Q8 cgfams Q7=4 or 5 or 6 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded But Missing code as -9 'missing' If multi-coded force to extreme (code closest to 1)
Q9 smhome Q7=4 or 5 or 6 If Coded Here But Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded But Missing code as -9 'missing' If multi-code force to extreme (code closest to 1)
Q10 cigsupm cignews ciggarg cigvan cigothsh cigmark cigint cigfrel cigelse cigU18 cigadult cidaddk cigfgive cigsgive cigpgive cigtake cigother Q7=4 or 5 or 6 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing'
Q11 buy4smoke Q7=4 or 5 or 6 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multi-code, force to most extreme (closest to code 1).
Q12 cigmon cigtues cigwed cigthur cigfri cigsat cigsun Q7=4 or 5 or 6 If Coded Here but Should Not, If any cigmon-cigsun >0 Backcode Q7 to 1 and Q8 As Code 4, Otherwise code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but All Blank code as -9 'missing' If at Least One (Cigmon-Cigsun) > 0, Code Blanks AS 0 If Sum (Cigmon-Cigsun) >100, Please Exclude
Q13 cglong If Q7=5 or 6 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded But Missing code as -9 'missing' If multi-coded, force to extreme (closest to code 4)
Q14 cgstop If Q7=5 or 6 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multi-coded, force to extreme (closest to code 1)
Q15 cglikstx If Q7=5 or 6 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing'
Q16 cgevrstp If Q7=5 or 6 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing'
Q17 smfriend All If Not Answered, code as -9 If multi-coded, force to most frequent (closest to code 1)
Q18 homesmk All If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multi-coded, force to extreme (closest to code 1)
Q19 carsmk All If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multi-coded, force to extreme (closest to code 1)
Q20 ecig All If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multi-coded, force to extreme (closest to code 7)
Q21 smcost All If Not Answered, code as -9
Q22 smmake All If Not Answered, code as -9 Question wording has changed – respondents are asked to include only up to 4 answers. Should be dealt with by coding though.
Q23 smkmum smkdad smkbroth smksist smkgf smbkfrnd All If Not Answered, code as -9 If Multi-Coded Code 0 and Other Codes – Force to Code 0 Only. For all other multi-codes, force to most frequent (closest to code 1) Order of answer options has changed but coding to remain the same as 2013 so: Does not smoke = 3, Smokes occasionally = 2, Smokes daily = 1, Don't know = 4, Don't have or see this person = 0.
Q24 smconf smsport smslim smpreg smrelax smheart smlot smcold smharm smcope smsmell smfun smlung smskin smwind smeasy All If Not Answered, code as -9 If multi-coded 1 and 2 code as 1 If multi-coded 3 and 4 code as 4 Any other multi-code code as -9
Q25 health All If Not Answered, code as -9 If multi-coded, force to most extreme (closest to code 1)
Q26 longill All If Not Answered, code as -9 If multi-coded force to missing -9
Q27 activi Q26/1 If Not Answered, code as -9 If multi-coded force to missing -9
Q28 wwopti wwuse wwrelax wwintr wwenerg wwprob wwclear wwgood wwclose wwconf wwmind wwlove wwnew wwcheer All If Not Answered, code as -9 If Multicoded, code as -9 1= none of the time 2= rarely 3= some of the time 4= often 5= all of the time
Q29 carer15 All If Not Answered, code as -9 If Multicoded, code as -9
Alcohol edits:
  • Correct multicodes for Q31-32 as specified
  • If Q31 = 1-6 and any at Q32, code Q30 as 1
  • If Q30 <> 1, clear Q31-42
  • If Q32 <> 1-3, clear Q33
Q30 alevr All If Not Answered, code as -9
Q31 alfreq Q30=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multi-coded, force to most extreme (closest to code 1)
Q32 allast Q30=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multi-coded, force to most extreme (closest to code 1)
Q33 drnk7 Q32=1-3 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing'
Q34 drunk Q30=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If multi-coded, force to most extreme (closest to code 5)
Q35 argue fight doctor offschl vomit trydrugs trubplc badwk threat hospadm posted text regret Q30=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multi-coded, force to most extreme (closest to code 3).
Q36 drkpub drkclub drkpty drkhome drkfhome drkout drkse Q30=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing'
Q37 buypub buyclub buyoff buyshop buysupm buyfri buyrel buyse buyswe buyweb gethome stealshp Q30=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing'
Q38 buy4shop Q30=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multi-code, force to most extreme (closest to code 1).
Q39 buy4pup Q30=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multi-code, force to most extreme (closest to code 1).
Q40 buy4els Q30=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multicoded and Q59 = any, force to 1 If multicoded and Q59 missing, force to -9
Q41 buy4who Q30=1 If Coded Here but Should Not force Q58 to code 1 If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multicoded force to -9.
Q42 alchome Q30=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multicoded force to extreme, closest to 1
Q43 mahome pahome stepma steppa grandma grandpa fostma fostpa bruv sister ahome difhome All If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If brohome>0 code bruv=1 If sishome>0 code sister=1 If stepma = 1 and mahome = 1, force stepma to 0. If steppa = 1 and pahome = 1, force steppa = 0.
  brohome (number of brothers) All If bruv= 1 and Not Answered, code as -9 If bruv not=1 and Not Answered, code as -1
  sishome (number of sisters) All If sister= 1 and Not Answered, code as -9 If sister not=1 and Not Answered, code as -1
Q44 ethnicity All If Not Answered, code as -9
Q45 maknow1 maknow2 maknow3 maknow4 maknow5 All If Not Answered, code as -9. If Coded 'Don't Have or See Mother -1 Force all Codes To -1.
Q46 paknow1 paknow2 paknow3 paknow4 paknow5 All If Not Answered, code as -9 If Coded 'Don't Have or See Father Force all Codes to -1.
Q47 talkma talkpa talkoth All If Not Answered, code as -9 If Multi-Coded Code Don't Have or See and Other Codes – Force to Code Don't Have or See Only. If Multi 1+2, Code 1 If Multi 3+4, Code 4 If Multi (1-4) + 5, Code (1-4)
Q48 owncash All If Not Answered, code as -9 If Multicode force to extreme closest to 6
Q49 dgofcan dgofgas dgofamp dgoflsd dgofecs dgofsem dgofpop dgoftrn dgofher dgofmsh dgofmth dgofcrk dgofcok dgofana dgofmph dgofghb dgofket dgofspc dgofmdma dgofsal dgofcrys dgofsyemp dgofsystim dgofsydiss dgofsypsy All If all variables missing, code as -9 If some variables missing but any variables = 1, force missings to code 2 If some variables missing but no variables = 1, force to missings to -9
Q50 npsoff All If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multicoded force to -9.
Q51 npsoffknw Q50 = 1 If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multicoded force to -9.
Q52 othdrgoff All If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multicoded force to -9.
Q53 odoffknw Q52=1 If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' IF multicoded force to -9.
Drug edits:
  • Clear Q54 if multied
  • Correct multicodes Q55 – Q66 as per spec
  • Count qualifiers at Q56, Q58, Q60 - Q66
    • Q56 = 1-3
    • Q58 = 1-3
    • Q60 = any
    • Q61 = 1
    • Q62 = 1
    • Q63 = any
    • Q64 = any
    • Q65 = any greater than 1
    • Q66 = any
  • Count any drug use at Q55 – exclude semeron
  • If qualifier count >1 or drug use >=1, Q54 = 1
  • If No DRUG USED at q55 – i.e. count of code 4 = 24 and Q56 = 4 and Q58 = 4, Q54 = 2. This edit overrides the previous i.e. if something mentioned at Q60-66 but no drugs at Q55,56, and 58 Q70 = 2.
Q54 dgtake All If Not Answered, code as -9 If multicoded force to -9
Q55 dgfqcan dgfqgas dgfqamp ddfqlsd dgfqecs dgfqsem dgfqpop dgfqtrn dgfqher dgrqmsh dgfqmth dgfqcrk dgfqcok dgfqana dgfqmph dgfqghb dgfqket dgfqspc dgfqmdma dgfqsal dgfqcrys dgfqsyemp dgfqsystim dgfqsydiss dgfqsypsy If Q54=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If all missing code all missing as -9 If some missing but any = 1-3 force missing to code 4 If some missing but non = 1-3 force missing to -9 If multi-coded, force to most extreme (closest to code 1)
Q56 npstak If Q54=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If Multicode Force to most extreme, closest to 1
Q57 npstakknw If Q56 = 1 If Not Answered Code -9
Q58 othdrgtak If Q54=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If Multicode Force to most extreme, closest to 1
Q59 odtakknw If Q58 = 1 If Not Answered Code -9
Q60 drugfreq If Q54=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If Multicode Force to Extreme Closest to 6
Q61 drugdrk If Q54=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If Multicode Force to Missing -9
Q62 drugmult If Q54=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multicoded = -9
Q63 drugsib drugpeer drugofr drugyfr drugpart drugpar drugsp drugsdk drugstr drugwb drugshp drughome drugse If Q54=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing'
Q64 drugself drugsold druggave If Q54=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing'
Q65 drugarg drugfite drughosp drugscl drugsick drugtry drugtro drugdoc drugreg drugtext drugthre drugbad drugpest If Q54=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multicode, force to most extreme (closest to code 3).
Q66 usehome usesehom useparty usepub useclub useschl useout useoth If Q54=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing'
Q67 drughelp If Q54=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing'
Q68 drugstop If Q54=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing' If multicoded = -9
Q69 helptch helppar helpfri helpdsv helpksw helpkst helptfw helptft helpclw helpweb helpdk helpoth If Q54=1 If Coded Here but Should Not code as -1, 'not applicable' If Should Have Coded but Missing code as -9 'missing'
Q70 drugease All If Not Answered, code as -9 If multi-coded, force to most extreme (closest to code 1)
Q71 heradd herdang injhiv injhepc snifdam cokedang candang All If Not Answered, code as -9 Multicode 1+2 = -9 Multicode 1+3 = 1 Multicode 2+3 = 2
Q72 excite helpadv stupid sellpun legalhi All If Not Answered, code as -9 Multicode 1+2 = -9 Multicode 1+3 = 1 Multicode 2+3 = 2
Q73 fstdrink fstdrunk fstsmoke fstdrugs All If Crossed 'Never' Code Age to -1 If Not Answered, code as -9 For drinking and being drunk, if any people in the 'not stated' category answered 'no' at q32, they should be changed to 'never' in Q85. For smoking, if any in the 'not stated' category answered 'no' at Q7', they should be 'never' at Q85. For drugs, if any in the 'not stated' category answered 'no' to Q70, they should be coded 'never' at Q85. Add 10 to any answer under 5.
Q74 cigok alcok drunkok glueok canok cokeok All If Not Answered, code as -9 Multicode 1+2 = -9 Multicode 1+3 = 1 Multicode 2+3 = 2
Q75 hivclass hpbclass hpcclass All If not answered, code as -9 Multicode 1+2 = -9 Multicode 1+3 = 1 Multicode 2+3 = 2
Q76 youth drama sports comp noclubs clubdk All If Not Answered, code as -9
Q77 seefrnds music films cmpgame shops mags books wsport dsport cinema street hobby frhouse concert church volwork socialnet publib museum theatre nothin All If Not Answered, code as -9 If multi-coded, force to most extreme (closest to code 1)
Q78 pcknow All If Not Answered, code as -9
Q78b Pcode All If Not Answered, code as -999
Q79 closefr All If Not Answered, code as -9 If multi-coded, force to most extreme (closest to code 4)
Q80 agefr All If Not Answered, code as -9 If multi-coded force to code 4
Q81 withfrev All If Not Answered, code as -9 Code as in 2006 dataset. If multi-coded Two Boxes take force to highest answer given (code closest to 7) If Multicoded 3 or More Boxes, Code as Number of Boxes Selected (UP to 7)
Q82 smclass alclass dgclass All If not answered, code as -9 If multicoded, code as -9
Q83 smrisk alrisk drgrisk allife drglife aldecs drgdecs peerviews All If not answered, code as -9 If multicoded, code as -9
Q84 schalc schdrg schsm schact All If not answered, code as -9 If multicoded, code as -9
Q85 infoneed sayno subsinfo avoidal avoiddrg All If not answered, code as -9 If multicoded, code as -9
Q86 likeskl All If Not Answered, code as -9 If multi-coded, force to -9
Q87 pressu1 All If Not Answered, code as -9
Q88 Truant1 All If Not Answered, code as -9
Q89 exclax All If Not Answered, code as -9
Strengths and Difficulties Q90 consid resles somatic shares tantrum loner obeys worries caring fidgety friend fights unhappy popular distrac clingy kind lies bullied helpout reflect steals oldbest afraid attends All If Not Answered, code as -9
  Not true Somewhat true Certainly true
somatic 0 1 2
worries 0 1 2
unhappy 0 1 2
clingy 0 1 2
afraid 0 1 2
resles 0 1 2
fidgety 0 1 2
distrac 0 1 2
reflect 2 1 0
attends 2 1 0
tantrum 0 1 2
obeys 2 1 0
fights 0 1 2
lies 0 1 2
steals 0 1 2
Peer Problems
loner 0 1 2
friend 2 1 0
popular 2 1 0
bullied 0 1 2
oldbest 0 1 2
consid 0 1 2
shares 0 1 2
caring 0 1 2
kind 0 1 2
helpout 0 1 2
Instructions for missing postcodes For each missing postcode in a particular batch (batch numbers are provided for each class), please randomly select a postcode from the relevant batch and replace the missing postcode. Random selection should be conducted from the original postcodes given in a particular batch, and not from the 'imputed' postcodes.



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