Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2011

A detailed overview of landings of sea fish; the Scottish fishing fleet; and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.1.c Quantity and value ofl landings by Scottish vessels into the whole of the UK, by main species 1,3: 2007 to 2011

  Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000) 2
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Scottish vessels
Landings into the UK
Bass 31 25 4 35 89 149 143 33 221 553
Black scabbardfish 57 26 81 104 36 87 28 123 170 90
Blue ling 236 215 356 384 76 317 281 396 494 102
Brill 3 9 6 8 10 15 39 28 38 49
Cod 6,971 7,362 8,951 11,768 10,204 14,380 15,532 16,078 23,261 22,506
Greenland halibut 29 139 317 418 62 53 224 574 984 202
Haddock 29,103 28,766 31,647 28,017 24,403 37,104 32,123 31,411 32,300 30,816
Hake 2,077 3,458 5,679 4,882 5,956 2,949 6,174 10,523 8,918 11,045
Lemon sole 942 892 610 517 599 2,407 2,234 1,317 1,204 1,735
Ling 2,360 2,496 3,481 3,708 3,689 2,899 3,072 4,096 5,182 5,489
Megrims 2,303 2,640 2,765 2,375 2,206 5,390 7,224 7,273 6,634 7,244
Monks 9,872 10,119 9,782 7,942 7,812 24,634 28,198 31,075 27,298 27,003
Plaice 777 830 675 662 777 689 658 499 486 651
Pollack 661 737 519 384 352 982 1,456 964 757 854
Red mullet 16 21 24 11 40 31 27 98 36 286
Redfish 225 169 174 426 119 237 173 208 497 198
Saithe 8,284 11,342 12,783 11,357 10,907 4,032 6,494 8,910 10,287 11,367
Sole 12 13 14 7 10 77 102 86 53 90
Turbot 47 54 46 48 60 376 383 331 367 503
Whiting 9,473 9,090 7,901 6,846 7,662 9,224 9,171 7,885 7,693 9,378
Witches 783 806 748 587 572 887 991 997 734 754
Other demersal 2,428 2,064 2,858 2,784 1,964 3,590 3,444 4,587 4,265 3,331
Total demersal 76,691 81,272 89,421 83,270 77,607 110,507 118,171 127,493 131,881 134,247
Blue whiting 21,886 15,345 11 4,937 1,324 2,686 1,449 0 982 595
Herring 42,048 32,036 25,197 22,306 22,020 7,792 8,216 7,724 6,465 11,126
Horse mackerel 1,395 703 956 1,170 174 340 185 258 497 91
Mackerel 90,339 82,383 94,737 91,471 84,852 60,536 61,615 79,839 74,443 96,929
Pilchards 114 174 - 11 34 3 15 - 4 11
Sardinelle aurita - - - - - - - - - -
Other pelagic 859 252 1,039 685 510 65 42 115 158 115
Total pelagic 156,641 130,893 121,939 120,581 108,915 71,423 71,523 87,937 82,550 108,869
Cuttlefish 4 2 4 50 47 5 3 7 113 139
Edible crabs 10,000 7,684 8,191 9,169 9,779 11,953 8,668 9,003 10,690 11,485
Lobsters 885 1,029 1,102 1,133 1,244 9,732 10,959 11,375 11,633 13,195
Nephrops 32,134 30,313 30,269 26,737 22,488 101,012 90,340 76,264 75,644 83,201
Patagonian squid - - - - - - - - - -
Pink shrimps 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0
Queen scallops 4,535 4,402 4,925 7,492 14,467 1,693 1,639 2,048 2,875 5,564
Scallops 12,371 14,534 17,327 18,753 15,781 25,606 28,459 29,934 31,910 30,932
Squid 1,194 1,511 2,072 3,127 2,152 3,280 4,377 4,320 8,494 8,601
Velvet crabs 2,944 2,714 2,778 2,523 2,199 5,845 5,832 6,151 6,408 5,810
Whelks 475 273 355 373 289 294 174 188 208 168
Other shellfish 1,849 1,882 1,683 1,754 1,098 1,777 2,546 2,452 2,636 2,503
Total shellfish 66,390 64,345 68,705 71,110 69,545 161,197 152,997 141,743 150,611 161,598
Total landings 299,722 276,510 280,066 274,961 256,066 343,127 342,690 357,173 365,042 404,714

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed into the UK or by UK vessels abroad was £2m or more in 2010.

(2) The methodology used to calculate value of landings was changed by the introduction of the Register of Buyers and Sellers ( RBS) in September 2005 - see discussion in Annex 1 - Methodology for further details.

(3) Subsequent to the publication of the 2010 bulletin it was discovered that the value of Cockles landings in 2010 had been incorrectly overstated; when corrected the value failed to meet the £2m threshold and cockles are no longer separately distinguished in the tables. The figures have been included in Other shellfish.

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