Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2011

A detailed overview of landings of sea fish; the Scottish fishing fleet; and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.1.e Quantity and value of all landings by Scottish vessels, by main species 1,4: 2007 to 2011

  Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000) 2
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Scottish vessels
Landings into the UK and Abroad
Bass 52 67 24 63 105 257 329 149 400 645
Black scabbardfish 58 26 81 104 36 88 29 123 170 90
Blue ling 237 217 357 385 76 319 284 397 496 102
Brill 73 39 28 22 22 348 237 164 116 128
Cod 7,226 7,606 9,552 12,081 10,323 15,017 16,123 17,244 24,031 22,865
Greenland halibut 29 139 317 418 62 53 224 575 984 203
Haddock 29,192 28,876 31,802 28,101 24,453 37,241 32,247 31,553 32,394 30,877
Hake 2,724 4,951 6,885 5,940 6,689 4,035 8,413 13,576 10,967 12,385
Lemon sole 1,176 1,048 737 626 743 3,172 2,714 1,651 1,582 2,258
Ling 2,446 2,669 3,696 3,972 4,092 3,006 3,258 4,444 5,753 6,122
Megrims 2,422 2,987 3,176 3,070 2,785 5,682 7,903 8,293 8,383 9,053
Monks 10,850 11,767 11,279 9,609 9,696 27,234 32,072 36,354 32,569 33,479
Plaice 5,382 5,093 5,003 3,374 3,275 7,014 6,662 5,829 3,671 3,903
Pollack 667 756 531 394 363 998 1,492 989 792 876
Red mullet 157 307 186 165 143 405 1,285 1,061 794 717
Redfish 236 178 175 439 126 253 182 209 515 216
Saithe 8,350 11,952 12,883 11,690 10,996 4,087 6,836 9,007 10,729 11,468
Sole 532 253 116 43 12 3,284 1,900 981 377 121
Turbot 236 177 148 102 114 1,652 1,296 1,126 859 1,008
Whiting 9,502 9,136 7,969 6,964 7,814 9,255 9,209 7,937 7,792 9,516
Witches 808 1,016 834 843 668 921 1,220 1,128 1,276 918
Other demersal 6,883 10,443 7,688 17,472 12,090 5,495 5,501 6,011 7,155 5,902
Total demersal 89,239 99,705 103,466 105,877 94,684 129,816 139,416 148,801 151,807 152,851
Blue whiting 43,540 24,004 174 5,496 1,331 4,331 2,559 19 1,109 597
Herring 58,121 45,569 46,241 41,712 37,717 14,245 10,239 14,516 11,660 16,974
Horse mackerel 1,404 1,323 1,568 2,490 1,004 342 485 361 891 400
Mackerel 3 108,067 108,922 151,757 134,880 145,955 70,580 86,366 134,742 113,181 163,112
Pilchards 114 24,926 2,148 1,508 776 3 732 62 137 122
Sardinelle aurita - - - - - - - - - -
Other pelagic 2,149 2,129 3,093 3,057 5,495 1,151 907 1,088 2,262 3,135
Total pelagic 213,395 206,873 204,980 189,142 192,277 90,652 101,289 150,788 129,240 184,341
Cuttlefish 12 10 19 71 57 18 17 39 167 172
Edible crabs 10,089 7,734 8,210 9,180 9,786 12,022 8,698 9,018 10,712 11,496
Lobsters 886 1,029 1,102 1,133 1,244 9,743 10,961 11,377 11,636 13,196
Nephrops 32,340 30,511 30,427 26,903 22,655 102,156 91,287 77,302 76,651 84,309
Patagonian squid - - - - - - - - - -
Pink shrimps 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0
Queen scallops 4,535 4,437 5,334 8,373 16,457 1,693 1,653 2,202 3,209 6,374
Scallops 12,371 14,548 17,328 18,762 15,783 25,606 28,485 29,936 31,923 30,935
Squid 1,246 1,638 2,166 3,238 2,262 3,467 4,812 4,664 8,910 9,164
Velvet crabs 2,944 2,714 2,778 2,523 2,199 5,845 5,832 6,151 6,408 5,810
Whelks 502 292 367 376 289 304 181 193 209 169
Other shellfish 1,936 2,002 1,712 1,823 1,156 1,821 2,886 2,491 2,718 2,595
Total shellfish 66,862 64,915 69,442 72,381 71,889 162,676 154,813 143,374 152,543 164,220
Total landings 369,496 371,493 377,889 367,400 358,850 383,144 395,517 442,963 433,590 501,411

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed into the UK or by UK vessels abroad was £2m or more in 2010.

(2) The methodology used to calculate value of landings was changed by the introduction of the Register of Buyers and Sellers ( RBS) in September 2005 - see discussion in Annex 1 - Methodology for further details.

(3) Because no Sales Notes were received for mackerel landed by Scottish vessels into Norway, the value of these landings were estimated for 2009 - see discussion in in Annex 1 - Methodology for further details. We assess that the estimated figure of £55million is overstated by some £7million

(4) Subsequent to the publication of the 2010 bulletin it was discovered that the value of Cockles landings in 2010 had been incorrectly overstated; when corrected the value failed to meet the £2m threshold and cockles are no longer separately distinguished in the tables. The figures have been included in Other shellfish.

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