Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2011

A detailed overview of landings of sea fish; the Scottish fishing fleet; and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.1.j Quantity and value of all landings by other UK vessels, by main species 1,3: 2007 to 2011

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000) 2
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Other UK vessels
Landings into the UK and Abroad
Bass 663 748 674 674 645 3,969 4,284 4,460 4,788 5,021
Black scabbardfish 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0
Blue ling 62 11 8 0 1 59 13 3 0 0
Brill 355 321 305 383 384 1,907 1,786 1,692 2,109 2,308
Cod 12,106 11,730 12,961 13,669 12,863 14,931 17,360 14,525 21,248 23,458
Greenland halibut 520 331 461 233 345 775 442 794 378 559
Haddock 4,295 4,180 4,496 5,513 5,380 3,549 4,094 3,958 5,676 6,060
Hake 1,852 1,110 1,037 983 1,417 3,340 2,226 1,822 1,589 2,218
Lemon sole 1,297 1,028 1,519 1,612 1,307 4,637 3,551 4,310 5,704 5,160
Ling 891 599 557 500 644 930 645 609 632 865
Megrims 1,549 1,366 1,784 1,784 1,814 3,781 3,551 4,377 4,877 5,290
Monks 5,017 3,659 3,793 4,782 5,418 11,897 10,278 10,800 14,986 17,205
Plaice 7,860 7,862 9,790 13,042 13,889 8,982 13,200 11,630 15,547 18,554
Pollack 2,026 1,705 1,648 1,609 1,946 3,139 3,421 3,372 3,599 4,623
Red mullet 35 5 79 171 68 29 17 477 906 91
Redfish 679 289 246 160 251 1,202 721 883 676 1,316
Saithe 3,423 3,787 4,366 4,437 4,819 2,247 2,753 3,491 4,081 4,910
Sole 2,414 2,113 2,246 2,185 2,189 18,320 15,518 17,094 19,572 19,943
Turbot 518 474 534 628 659 4,339 3,658 4,125 5,650 6,078
Whiting 3,690 2,349 2,269 2,252 2,178 2,577 1,589 1,428 1,844 2,104
Witches 937 314 288 329 351 1,435 424 478 629 616
Other demersal 8,663 7,359 7,161 7,781 9,347 8,610 7,719 7,476 8,500 9,627
Total demersal 58,851 51,338 56,222 62,725 65,914 100,657 97,252 97,803 122,991 136,009
Blue whiting 12,926 14,147 6,176 2,475 54 2,392 2,617 1,112 540 23
Herring 32,970 21,546 20,872 25,179 23,855 12,100 8,297 8,299 10,592 12,421
Horse mackerel 12,507 9,198 16,542 14,935 15,772 3,918 2,747 5,113 5,268 6,139
Mackerel 25,753 19,322 20,545 25,788 36,259 18,427 16,107 18,287 25,551 42,722
Pilchards 3,559 3,413 4,175 6,716 4,714 1,276 1,200 1,220 1,923 1,215
Sardinelle aurita 10,925 6,524 8,763 15,019 3,625 3,004 1,794 2,410 4,130 1,813
Other pelagic 4,509 4,036 3,898 6,297 5,390 2,824 1,536 1,702 1,350 1,327
Total pelagic 103,149 78,186 80,971 96,409 89,670 43,941 34,300 38,142 49,353 65,662
Cuttlefish 4,423 3,562 2,224 3,815 3,237 5,521 5,248 3,541 7,856 8,775
Edible crabs 13,015 14,896 14,011 15,256 16,508 16,400 18,634 16,001 18,565 21,163
Lobsters 1,903 1,746 1,678 1,603 1,949 21,886 21,034 15,381 15,145 19,478
Nephrops 12,179 12,989 12,472 11,775 11,868 26,580 26,171 20,458 20,399 28,308
Patagonian squid - 739 - 3,453 1,493 - 739 - 5,724 4,003
Pink shrimps 10 13 25 2,866 47 11 15 38 5,199 49
Queen scallops 1,254 222 1,509 4,581 8,634 522 85 545 1,754 3,072
Scallops 8,452 8,480 10,277 12,015 14,269 13,249 17,901 14,473 17,916 24,718
Squid 1,353 459 536 560 774 4,233 1,991 2,137 2,131 3,514
Velvet crabs 786 567 398 287 372 1,279 826 626 518 588
Whelks 12,559 13,424 12,672 14,105 13,615 7,508 9,125 7,275 9,153 8,818
Other shellfish 22,962 25,422 8,794 9,033 13,025 20,742 14,832 13,291 7,095 5,965
Total shellfish 78,899 82,520 64,596 79,348 85,789 117,930 116,600 93,766 111,454 128,450
Total landings 240,899 212,044 201,789 238,482 241,373 262,528 248,152 229,712 283,797 330,121

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed into the UK or by UK vessels abroad was £2m or more in 2010.

(2) The methodology used to calculate value of landings was changed by the introduction of the Register of Buyers and Sellers ( RBS) in September 2005 - see discussion in Annex 1 - Methodology for further details.

(3) Subsequent to the publication of the 2010 bulletin it was discovered that the value of Cockles landings in 2010 had been incorrectly overstated; when corrected the value failed to meet the £2m threshold and cockles are no longer separately distinguished in the tables. The figures have been included in Other shellfish.

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