Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2011

A detailed overview of landings of sea fish; the Scottish fishing fleet; and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.1.k Quantity and value of landings by all UK vessels into Scotland, by main species 1,3: 2007 to 2011

  Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000) 2
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
UK vessels
Landings into Scotland
Bass 1 1 1 1 0 5 5 6 4 1
Black scabbardfish 57 26 81 104 36 87 28 123 170 90
Blue ling 271 222 360 384 76 363 290 397 494 102
Brill 1 1 1 2 2 3 6 5 6 7
Cod 7,115 7,645 9,350 12,617 10,994 14,649 16,054 16,721 24,783 24,161
Greenland halibut 30 144 317 418 62 56 233 574 984 202
Haddock 29,509 29,488 32,681 29,461 25,535 37,579 32,679 32,133 33,736 32,117
Hake 2,154 3,487 5,702 4,972 6,064 3,013 6,214 10,506 9,008 11,180
Lemon sole 946 933 607 525 564 2,416 2,321 1,282 1,187 1,612
Ling 2,511 2,571 3,579 3,795 3,774 3,084 3,161 4,204 5,299 5,621
Megrims 2,283 2,528 2,583 2,339 2,165 5,283 6,855 6,752 6,478 7,073
Monks 10,255 10,086 9,898 8,209 7,941 25,524 28,021 31,201 28,074 27,587
Plaice 776 832 672 678 773 686 658 486 490 627
Pollack 887 973 636 546 483 1,243 1,821 1,148 1,024 1,122
Red mullet 12 21 12 6 3 24 27 36 21 11
Redfish 234 174 175 428 119 249 178 209 500 198
Saithe 9,545 12,783 14,264 13,519 12,485 4,659 7,334 9,963 12,295 13,146
Sole 5 3 2 2 3 33 16 11 10 24
Turbot 41 46 42 42 48 333 340 309 338 424
Whiting 9,393 9,226 7,965 7,119 7,923 9,189 9,277 7,968 8,007 9,782
Witches 1,196 872 794 651 613 1,458 1,063 1,035 836 809
Other demersal 2,760 2,072 2,849 2,602 1,834 3,895 3,428 4,548 4,254 3,067
Total demersal 79,979 84,134 92,570 88,419 81,498 113,830 120,011 129,617 137,998 138,963
Blue whiting 21,886 15,345 11 4,937 1,324 2,686 1,449 0 982 595
Herring 45,158 32,367 25,188 27,566 25,326 8,387 8,272 7,722 7,952 12,794
Horse mackerel 1,394 633 839 1,167 2,215 340 149 226 497 1,183
Mackerel 95,788 86,619 94,557 95,180 89,142 63,749 64,634 79,737 78,025 102,259
Pilchards 114 164 - - - 3 14 - - -
Sardinelle aurita - - - - - - - - - -
Other pelagic 878 248 1,039 639 510 67 43 115 147 115
Total pelagic 165,217 135,376 121,633 129,488 118,516 75,232 74,562 87,800 87,604 116,947
Cuttlefish 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0
Edible crabs 11,439 8,831 9,511 10,704 11,900 13,855 10,126 10,514 12,639 14,159
Lobsters 894 1,026 1,097 1,135 1,238 9,837 10,949 11,369 11,698 13,147
Nephrops 33,782 32,765 31,492 28,895 24,338 104,321 95,475 78,268 79,645 86,748
Patagonian squid - - - - - - - - - -
Pink shrimps 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0
Queen scallops 4,301 4,562 4,498 7,473 9,357 1,693 1,700 1,872 2,904 3,771
Scallops 8,862 10,086 9,847 9,335 7,794 18,247 25,094 19,080 17,608 16,081
Squid 1,193 1,515 2,068 3,152 2,137 3,275 4,384 4,280 8,536 8,500
Velvet crabs 2,946 2,711 2,762 2,518 2,193 5,852 5,832 6,135 6,403 5,801
Whelks 456 255 363 350 239 264 162 193 191 138
Other shellfish 2,009 1,850 1,499 1,919 1,137 1,847 2,425 2,436 2,946 2,620
Total shellfish 65,882 63,601 63,137 65,481 60,333 159,190 156,147 134,147 142,568 150,965
Total landings 311,078 283,111 277,341 283,388 260,347 348,252 350,720 351,564 368,170 406,874

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed into the UK or by UK vessels abroad was £2m or more in 2010.

(2) The methodology used to calculate value of landings was changed by the introduction of the Register of Buyers and Sellers ( RBS) in September 2005 - see discussion in Annex 1 - Methodology for further details.

(3) Subsequent to the publication of the 2010 bulletin it was discovered that the value of Cockles landings in 2010 had been incorrectly overstated; when corrected the value failed to meet the £2m threshold and cockles are no longer separately distinguished in the tables. The figures have been included in Other shellfish.

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