Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2011

A detailed overview of landings of sea fish; the Scottish fishing fleet; and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.1.o Quantity and value of all landings by all UK vessels , by main species 1,3: 2007 to 2011

  Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000) 2
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
UK vessels
Landings into the UK and Abroad
Bass 715 815 698 737 751 4,226 4,613 4,609 5,188 5,666
Black scabbardfish 58 26 81 104 36 88 29 123 170 90
Blue ling 299 228 365 385 76 378 297 400 497 103
Brill 429 360 333 405 406 2,255 2,022 1,856 2,224 2,436
Cod 19,331 19,336 22,513 25,750 23,186 29,948 33,483 31,768 45,280 46,323
Greenland halibut 549 471 778 652 407 828 667 1,369 1,362 761
Haddock 33,487 33,056 36,297 33,614 29,832 40,790 36,342 35,510 38,070 36,937
Hake 4,576 6,061 7,922 6,923 8,106 7,376 10,639 15,398 12,556 14,603
Lemon sole 2,473 2,075 2,256 2,238 2,051 7,809 6,266 5,960 7,286 7,418
Ling 3,337 3,267 4,254 4,472 4,736 3,935 3,903 5,053 6,385 6,986
Megrims 3,971 4,353 4,959 4,853 4,599 9,463 11,454 12,671 13,259 14,344
Monks 15,867 15,426 15,072 14,391 15,115 39,131 42,350 47,155 47,555 50,684
Plaice 13,242 12,955 14,793 16,416 17,164 15,996 19,863 17,459 19,218 22,456
Pollack 2,693 2,461 2,179 2,003 2,309 4,137 4,913 4,361 4,391 5,499
Red mullet 192 312 265 336 210 434 1,302 1,538 1,700 808
Redfish 915 467 421 599 376 1,455 903 1,092 1,192 1,532
Saithe 11,773 15,740 17,249 16,127 15,815 6,334 9,589 12,498 14,811 16,378
Sole 2,946 2,366 2,362 2,228 2,201 21,605 17,417 18,075 19,948 20,064
Turbot 754 651 682 730 773 5,991 4,954 5,251 6,509 7,087
Whiting 13,192 11,485 10,238 9,216 9,992 11,833 10,798 9,365 9,636 11,619
Witches 1,746 1,330 1,122 1,172 1,019 2,357 1,644 1,606 1,906 1,534
Other demersal 15,546 17,803 14,850 25,252 21,437 14,105 13,220 13,486 15,655 15,529
Total demersal 148,090 151,043 159,688 168,602 160,598 230,473 236,668 246,604 274,798 288,859
Blue whiting 56,466 38,150 6,349 7,972 1,385 6,722 5,176 1,131 1,648 620
Herring 91,091 67,114 67,113 66,891 61,571 26,345 18,537 22,815 22,252 29,396
Horse mackerel 13,911 10,521 18,110 17,425 16,776 4,260 3,232 5,474 6,159 6,539
Mackerel 133,820 128,244 172,303 160,669 182,214 89,007 102,474 153,028 138,732 205,834
Pilchards 3,673 28,339 6,323 8,223 5,490 1,279 1,932 1,282 2,059 1,338
Sardinelle aurita 10,925 6,524 8,763 15,019 3,625 3,004 1,794 2,410 4,130 1,813
Other pelagic 6,658 6,165 6,990 9,354 10,885 3,975 2,443 2,790 3,612 4,463
Total pelagic 316,544 285,059 285,951 285,552 281,947 134,593 135,588 188,930 178,593 250,002
Cuttlefish 4,436 3,573 2,242 3,886 3,294 5,539 5,265 3,581 8,023 8,947
Edible crabs 23,105 22,630 22,221 24,436 26,294 28,422 27,332 25,020 29,277 32,658
Lobsters 2,789 2,775 2,780 2,735 3,193 31,628 31,995 26,759 26,781 32,674
Nephrops 44,519 43,500 42,900 38,678 34,523 128,736 117,459 97,759 97,050 112,616
Patagonian squid - 739 - 3,453 1,493 - 739 - 5,724 4,003
Pink shrimps 10 13 25 2,866 47 11 15 38 5,199 49
Queen scallops 5,789 4,659 6,843 12,953 25,090 2,215 1,738 2,747 4,963 9,446
Scallops 20,823 23,028 27,605 30,777 30,052 38,855 46,385 44,409 49,839 55,653
Squid 2,600 2,097 2,702 3,798 3,036 7,700 6,803 6,801 11,041 12,678
Velvet crabs 3,730 3,281 3,176 2,810 2,571 7,124 6,658 6,778 6,926 6,398
Whelks 13,062 13,715 13,039 14,480 13,904 7,812 9,306 7,468 9,362 8,987
Other shellfish 24,898 27,424 10,506 10,856 14,181 22,563 17,718 15,783 9,813 8,560
Total shellfish 145,761 147,436 134,039 151,729 157,678 280,606 271,413 237,141 263,997 292,670
Total landings 610,395 583,537 579,679 605,882 600,223 645,672 643,669 672,675 717,387 831,531

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed into the UK or by UK vessels abroad was £2m or more in 2010.

(2) The methodology used to calculate value of landings was changed by the introduction of the Register of Buyers and Sellers ( RBS) in September 2005 - see discussion in Annex 1 - Methodology for further details.

(3) Subsequent to the publication of the 2010 bulletin it was discovered that the value of Cockles landings in 2010 had been incorrectly overstated; when corrected the value failed to meet the £2m threshold and cockles are no longer separately distinguished in the tables. The figures have been included in Other shellfish.

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