Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2011

A detailed overview of landings of sea fish; the Scottish fishing fleet; and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.4 Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels by main species 1 and vessel length group: 2011

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
Overall vessel length group (metres) Overall vessel length group (metres)
<=10 >10-12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 over 40 Total <=10 >10-12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 over 40 Total
Cod 37 19 23 2,759 7,405 80 10,323 76 34 43 5,920 16,544 248 22,865
Haddock 7 4 155 6,934 17,337 17 24,453 6 3 141 7,825 22,884 18 30,877
Hake - 1 7 509 6,162 10 6,689 - 1 6 630 11,735 13 12,385
Lemon sole 1 0 9 335 348 50 743 3 0 23 920 1,085 226 2,258
Ling 2 0 9 862 3,215 4 4,092 2 0 13 1,206 4,895 6 6,122
Megrims 0 0 126 1,278 1,373 9 2,785 0 0 455 4,305 4,270 22 9,053
Monks 2 3 123 3,265 6,264 39 9,696 5 9 419 11,121 21,796 129 33,479
Plaice 4 1 18 396 1,531 1,326 3,275 3 1 13 302 1,826 1,758 3,903
Saithe 4 - 7 1,716 9,256 12 10,996 4 - 6 1,805 9,640 13 11,468
Whiting 2 1 70 3,246 4,445 50 7,814 1 0 66 3,610 5,798 39 9,516
Other demersal 14 6 54 1,149 3,095 9,499 13,816 27 8 197 2,233 6,535 1,926 10,926
Total demersal 73 35 601 22,449 60,430 11,096 94,684 126 57 1,382 39,877 107,009 4,399 152,851
Herring - - 0 185 1 37,530 37,717 - - 0 88 1 16,885 16,974
Mackerel 654 - 10 127 45 145,120 145,955 718 - 12 154 57 162,170 163,112
Other pelagic 0 - 0 542 264 7,799 8,606 0 - 0 125 596 3,533 4,255
Total pelagic 654 - 10 853 310 190,450 192,277 718 - 13 367 654 182,589 184,341
Edible crabs 3,734 1,748 668 3,629 7 0 9,786 4,193 1,918 772 4,601 11 1 11,496
Lobsters 988 193 40 22 1 0 1,244 10,452 2,067 429 244 6 1 13,199
Nephrops 2,424 1,787 2,630 14,519 1,282 12 22,655 13,714 7,506 8,015 49,410 5,592 71 84,309
Queen scallops 7 3 2 15,132 1,312 - 16,457 8 2 4 5,948 412 - 6,374
Scallops 754 599 953 6,001 7,476 - 15,783 1,708 1,180 1,831 12,792 13,424 - 30,935
Squid 110 25 102 671 1,338 15 2,262 475 118 657 2,941 4,891 82 9,164
Velvet crabs 1,805 367 22 5 - - 2,199 4,653 1,082 64 11 - - 5,810
Other shellfish 947 156 37 278 81 3 1,502 1,636 242 77 797 172 8 2,932
Total shellfish 10,770 4,881 4,454 40,256 11,497 31 71,889 36,839 14,115 11,850 76,744 24,508 164 164,220
Total landings 11,496 4,915 5,065 63,559 72,237 201,577 358,850 37,683 14,172 13,245 116,988 132,171 187,152 501,411

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed by Scottish vessels was £2m or over in 2010.


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