Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2011

A detailed overview of landings of sea fish; the Scottish fishing fleet; and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.5.a Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels using demersal gears by main species 1: 2011

Demersal Gears
Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
Demersal trawl 2 Demersal seine Demersal twin/multi trawl Lines Gill nets Beam trawl Other methods Total Demersal trawl 2 Demersal seine Demersal twin/multi trawl Lines Gill nets Beam trawl Other methods Total
Cod 8,104 1,061 1,109 24 3 - - 10,301 17,965 2,325 2,474 53 7 - - 22,823
Haddock 19,211 3,664 1,521 3 0 - - 24,399 24,516 4,429 1,871 3 0 - - 30,819
Hake 2,507 192 168 3,747 74 - - 6,688 3,551 253 213 8,300 67 - - 12,384
Lemon sole 578 40 120 1 0 - - 738 1,722 134 390 2 0 - - 2,248
Ling 2,202 57 578 1,168 87 - - 4,091 3,243 87 836 1,823 133 - - 6,121
Megrim 2,144 160 478 0 3 - - 2,784 6,846 562 1,632 0 10 - - 9,050
Monks 5,630 113 1,688 33 2,184 - - 9,648 19,634 375 5,798 103 7,448 - - 33,358
Plaice 1,871 129 1,255 1 0 - - 3,256 6,009 1,381 1,115 1,223 112 - - 9,840
Saithe 9,795 143 1,048 6 0 - - 10,991 2,156 136 1,590 1 0 - - 3,882
Whiting 5,464 1,389 915 0 0 - - 7,768 10,246 141 1,071 5 0 - - 11,463
Other demersal 6,934 561 510 747 43 - - 8,795 6,749 1,753 978 0 0 - - 9,481
Total demersal 64,440 7,508 9,389 5,729 2,394 - - 89,461 102,638 11,574 17,967 11,513 7,776 - - 151,469
Other species a 11,688 162 142 1,564 25 - 22 13,601 15,840 721 491 2,720 82 - 64 19,918

(a) Other species include pelagic and/or shellfish species

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed by Scottish vessels was £2m or over in 2010.

(2) Bottom trawl gears catching demersal species have been included as demersal trawls, whilebottom trawl gears catching nephrops have been included as nephrops trawls.


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