Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2011

A detailed overview of landings of sea fish; the Scottish fishing fleet; and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 2.6 Number of Scottish based vessels by main fishing method ( 1) and length group as at 31st December 2011

Main fishing method Length group (metres)
10m & under >10 -12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 Over 40 Over 10m Total
Demersal single trawl 18 6 8 76 49 - 139 157
Demersal pair trawl - - - 9 9 1 19 19
Seine net - - - 16 12 - 28 28
Lines 31 - - - 13 2 15 46
Demersal gill nets 4 - - - 5 - 5 9
Demersal twin/mult trawl - - - 9 7 - 16 16
Beam trawl 1 - 1 - 3 1 5 6
Other demersal - - - 1 1 - 2 2
Demersal total 54 6 9 111 99 4 229 283
Purse seine - - - - - 4 4 4
Pelagic trawl - - - - - 20 20 20
Pelagic total - - - - - 24 24 24
Creel fishing 1,285 95 15 8 - - 118 1,403
Nephrops trawl 80 45 46 81 5 - 177 257
Mechanical dredging 16 6 15 38 12 - 71 87
Suction dredging 1 1 1 - - - 2 3
Shell fishing by hand 34 4 - - - - 4 38
Shellfish total 1,416 151 77 127 17 0 372 1,788
Total 1,470 157 86 238 116 28 625 2,095

(1) For description of main fishing method see Annex 2: Glossary of Terms.


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