Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2011

A detailed overview of landings of sea fish; the Scottish fishing fleet; and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 2.9 Number of fishermen employed on Scottish based vessels, by district: 2011

District Regular Part time Crofters Total
Aberdeen 70 48 - 118
Buckie 170 48 - 218
Eyemouth 135 48 - 183
Fraserburgh 657 131 - 788
Peterhead 370 28 - 398
Pittenweem 114 51 - 165
Scrabster 161 - - 161
Total East Coast 1,677 354 - 2,031
Orkney 260 113 - 373
Shetland 236 197 - 433
Stornoway 320 62 17 399
Total Islands 816 372 17 1,205
Ayr 512 45 - 557
Campbeltown 271 41 - 312
Kinlochbervie 41 - 1 42
Lochinver 19 2 1 22
Mallaig 105 7 - 112
Oban 247 - - 247
Portree 162 32 33 227
Ullapool 217 24 - 241
Total West Coast 1,574 151 35 1,760
All districts 4,067 877 52 4,996


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