Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2011

A detailed overview of landings of sea fish; the Scottish fishing fleet; and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.1.a Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels into Scotland, by main species 1,3: 2007 to 2011

  Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000) 2
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Scottish vessels
Landings into Scotland
Bass 1 1 1 1 0 5 5 6 4 1
Black scabbardfish 57 26 81 104 36 87 28 123 170 90
Blue ling 236 215 356 384 76 317 281 396 494 102
Brill 0 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 5 7
Cod 6,929 7,342 8,895 11,747 10,123 14,323 15,496 15,976 23,223 22,344
Greenland halibut 29 139 317 418 62 53 224 574 984 202
Haddock 28,950 28,720 31,463 27,944 24,003 36,991 32,096 31,223 32,211 30,413
Hake 2,043 3,434 5,628 4,866 5,941 2,878 6,134 10,440 8,886 11,019
Lemon sole 921 885 575 495 537 2,367 2,222 1,225 1,136 1,548
Ling 2,353 2,491 3,474 3,704 3,678 2,890 3,066 4,087 5,177 5,475
Megrims 2,241 2,506 2,542 2,313 2,135 5,189 6,814 6,660 6,424 6,998
Monks 9,746 9,931 9,568 7,816 7,629 24,341 27,623 30,428 26,922 26,449
Plaice 751 808 644 628 705 666 638 467 455 577
Pollack 660 736 514 383 349 980 1,455 954 755 845
Red mullet 11 20 11 6 3 23 26 34 20 10
Redfish 225 169 174 426 119 237 173 208 497 198
Saithe 8,284 11,342 12,782 11,357 10,906 4,031 6,494 8,909 10,287 11,366
Sole 4 2 2 1 3 28 12 10 8 20
Turbot 38 42 37 36 43 314 311 271 287 378
Whiting 9,225 9,018 7,759 6,788 7,431 9,065 9,128 7,790 7,650 9,156
Witches 773 791 733 576 560 870 961 962 696 728
Other demersal 2,382 2,007 2,783 2,547 1,792 3,500 3,320 4,421 4,138 2,983
Total demersal 75,858 80,626 88,340 82,540 76,132 109,158 116,512 125,168 130,429 130,908
Blue whiting 21,886 15,345 11 4,937 1,324 2,686 1,449 0 982 595
Herring 42,048 32,036 25,188 22,306 22,020 7,792 8,216 7,722 6,465 11,126
Horse mackerel 1,394 594 839 1,167 167 340 147 226 497 86
Mackerel 90,339 82383 93,951 91,169 84,851 60,536 61,615 79,236 74,196 96,926
Pilchards 114 164 - - - 3 14 - - -
Sardinelle aurita - - - - - - - - - -
Other pelagic 859 237 1,039 639 510 65 42 115 147 115
Total pelagic 156,640 130,759 121,027 120,217 108,871 71,423 71,484 87,299 82,289 108,848
Cuttlefish 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0
Edible crabs 9,997 7,657 8151 9,134 9,694 11,951 8,637 8,961 10,656 11,388
Lobsters 883 1,012 1,083 1,117 1,223 9,699 10,768 11,215 11,501 12,986
Nephrops 30,988 29,887 29,257 26,304 21,679 97,972 89,367 74,125 74,670 80,302
Patagonian squid - - - - - - - - - -
Pink shrimps 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0
Queen scallops 3,572 4,342 4,107 7,044 8,941 1,389 1,617 1,713 2,691 3,578
Scallops 8,073 9,203 9,127 8,833 7,523 16,614 19,102 17,927 16,766 15,545
Squid 1,178 1,502 2,053 3,109 2,117 3,244 4,351 4,253 8,439 8,437
Velvet crabs 2,944 2,697 2,759 2,517 2,190 5,845 5,809 6,126 6,399 5,795
Whelks 456 245 355 346 237 264 157 188 189 137
Other shellfish 1,842 1,848 1,474 1,718 1,095 1,764 2,424 2,397 2,617 2,500
Total shellfish 59,932 58,394 58,367 60,122 54,699 148,742 142,233 126,905 133,929 140,669
Total landings 292,430 269,780 267,733 262,880 239,702 329,323 330,229 339,372 346,647 380,426

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed into the UK or by UK vessels abroad was £2m or more in 2010.

(2) The methodology used to calculate value of landings was changed by the introduction of the Register of Buyers and Sellers ( RBS) in September 2005 - see discussion in Annex 1 - Methodology for further details.

(3) Subsequent to the publication of the 2010 bulletin it was discovered that the value of Cockles landings in 2010 had been incorrectly overstated; when corrected the value failed to meet the £2m threshold and cockles are no longer separately distinguished in the tables. The figures have been included in Other shellfish.

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