
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2012

A detailed overview of landings of sea fish; the Scottish fishing fleet; and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.1.d Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels abroad, by main species 1,4: 2008 to 2012

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000) 2
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Scottish vessels
Landings Abroad
Bass 42 20 28 16 14 186 116 179 91 85
Black scabbardfish 0 - 0 - - 0 - 0 - -
Blue ling 2 1 1 - - 3 1 2 - -
Brill 30 22 14 12 16 197 136 77 79 81
Cod 244 600 313 119 167 591 1,165 771 359 428
Greenland halibut 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Haddock 110 155 84 49 100 124 141 94 61 98
Hake 1,493 1,206 1,058 733 1,565 2,239 3,053 2,049 1,340 3,780
Lemon sole 156 127 110 144 79 480 334 378 523 252
Ling 172 215 264 403 501 186 349 570 633 788
Megrims 347 411 694 579 654 679 1,020 1,749 1,809 2,150
Monkfish 1,648 1,497 1,666 1,885 1,861 3,874 5,279 5,271 6,476 6,771
Plaice 4,264 4,329 2,712 2,497 1,941 6,005 5,330 3,185 3,251 2,379
Pollack 19 12 10 10 29 36 25 35 22 60
Red mullet 286 162 154 102 48 1,258 963 758 432 294
Redfish 9 1 13 7 2 9 1 18 18 3
Saithe 611 100 333 89 138 342 97 442 101 309
Sole 240 102 35 2 18 1,798 895 323 31 128
Turbot 124 102 54 53 47 913 795 492 505 364
Whiting 46 68 118 152 80 38 52 99 137 90
Witches 210 85 255 96 119 229 131 543 164 165
Other demersal 8,380 4,830 14,688 10,126 5,805 2,056 1,424 2,890 2,571 1,802
Total demersal 18,433 14,045 22,606 17,077 13,184 21,246 21,308 19,926 18,603 20,027
Blue whiting 8,659 162 559 7 4 1,110 19 126 1 1
Herring 13,533 21,044 19,406 15,696 22,477 2,023 6,791 5,195 5,848 13,260
Horse mackerel 620 613 1,319 830 253 300 103 394 309 124
Mackerel 3 26,539 57,021 43,409 61,103 72,372 24,751 54,903 38,738 66,182 72,919
Pilchards 24,753 2,148 1,497 742 - 717 62 132 111 -
Sardinelle aurita - - - - - - - - - -
Other pelagic 1,876 2,053 2,372 4,984 1,539 865 973 2,104 3,020 3,039
Total pelagic 75,980 83,041 68,562 83,363 96,645 29,766 62,851 46,690 75,472 89,343
Cuttlefish 8 15 20 10 18 14 32 54 33 48
Edible crabs 50 19 11 7 13 30 15 21 11 10
Lobsters 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 4 1 7
Nephrops 198 159 166 167 145 947 1,037 1,007 1,108 912
Patagonian squid - - - - - - - - - -
Pink shrimps - - - - - - - - - -
Queen scallops 35 409 880 1,989 2,280 15 155 334 810 931
Scallops 14 1 9 2 44 25 2 13 4 81
Squid 127 94 111 110 144 435 344 415 563 773
Velvet crabs - - 0 0 0 - - 1 0 0
Whelks 18 12 3 0 0 7 5 1 0 0
Other shellfish 119 29 69 58 79 340 39 82 92 75
Total shellfish 570 737 1,271 2,344 2,724 1,816 1,632 1,932 2,622 2,838
Total landings 94,983 97,824 92,439 102,784 112,553 52,827 85,790 68,548 96,697 112,208

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed into the UK or by UK vessels abroad was £2m or more in 2010.

(2) The methodology used to calculate value of landings was changed by the introduction of the Register of Buyers and Sellers ( RBS) in September 2005 - see discussion in Annex 1 - Methodology for further details.

(3) Because no Sales Notes were received for mackerel landed by Scottish vessels into Norway, the value of these landings were estimated for 2009 - see discussion in in Annex 1 - Methodology for further details. We assess that the estimated figure of £55million is overstated by some £7million

(4) Subsequent to the publication of the 2010 bulletin it was discovered that the value of Cockles landings in 2010 had been incorrectly overstated; when corrected the value failed to meet the £2m threshold and cockles are no longer separately distinguished in the tables. The figures have been included in Other shellfish.


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