Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2012

A detailed overview of landings of sea fish; the Scottish fishing fleet; and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.1.f Quantity and value of landings by other UK vessels into Scotland, by main species 1,3: 2008 to 2012

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000) 2
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Other UK vessels
Landings into Scotland
Bass 0 - 0 - - 0 - 0 - -
Black scabbardfish - - - - - - - - - -
Blue ling 7 3 0 - - 8 1 0 - -
Brill 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 1
Cod 303 456 870 872 545 558 745 1,560 1,817 995
Greenland halibut 5 - - - - 9 - - - -
Haddock 767 1,218 1,517 1,532 937 584 910 1,525 1,704 875
Hake 53 74 106 123 228 80 65 122 161 875
Lemon sole 49 32 30 26 25 99 56 51 65 69
Ling 79 105 91 96 80 94 117 121 146 131
Megrims 22 41 26 30 18 41 92 54 75 37
Monkfish 155 330 393 312 299 398 773 1,153 1,138 995
Plaice 24 28 50 68 99 20 19 35 50 97
Pollack 236 121 163 134 35 367 194 269 276 58
Red mullet 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 0
Redfish 5 0 2 0 0 5 1 3 0 1
Saithe 1,442 1,482 2,162 1,579 915 840 1,054 2,008 1,780 900
Sole 1 0 1 1 0 4 1 2 4 2
Turbot 4 5 6 5 3 29 39 51 46 22
Whiting 208 207 331 493 183 149 178 358 625 194
Witches 81 61 74 53 20 103 74 140 82 17
Other demersal 65 66 55 42 39 108 126 117 84 61
Total demersal 3,508 4,230 5,879 5,367 3,429 3,499 4,449 7,569 8,054 5,332
Blue whiting - - - - - - - - - -
Herring 331 0 5,260 3,305 773 56 0 1,487 1,668 379
Horse mackerel 39 - - 2,048 75 2 - - 1,097 48
Mackerel 4,236 606 4,011 4,291 1,258 3,019 501 3,828 5,333 952
Pilchards - - - - - - - - - -
Sardinelle aurita - - - - - - - - - -
Other pelagic 11 - - - - 1 - - - -
Total pelagic 4,616 606 9,271 9,645 2,105 3,078 501 5,316 8,098 1,379
Cuttlefish - - - - - - - - - -
Edible crabs 1,174 1,360 1,570 2,205 1,400 1,488 1,552 1,982 2,771 1,873
Lobsters 14 14 18 16 8 180 155 197 161 77
Nephrops 2,877 2,234 2,591 2,660 2,203 6,108 4,143 4,975 6,446 5,579
Patagonian squid - - - - - - - - - -
Pink shrimps - - - - - - - - - -
Queen scallops 220 391 429 416 269 83 159 212 193 133
Scallops 883 719 501 270 725 5,992 1,154 842 536 1,403
Squid 13 16 43 20 14 33 27 97 63 39
Velvet crabs 13 4 1 3 5 23 9 3 6 14
Whelks 10 8 3 2 17 5 5 2 1 11
Other shellfish 2 25 201 42 88 1 39 329 120 255
Total shellfish 5,207 4,771 5,358 5,634 4,729 13,914 7,243 8,639 10,296 9,384
Total landings 13,331 9,607 20,508 20,645 10,263 20,491 12,192 21,523 26,449 16,095

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed into the UK or by UK vessels abroad was £2m or more in 2010.

(2) The methodology used to calculate value of landings was changed by the introduction of the Register of Buyers and Sellers ( RBS) in September 2005 - see discussion in Annex 1 - Methodology for further details.

(3) Subsequent to the publication of the 2010 bulletin it was discovered that the value of Cockles landings in 2010 had been incorrectly overstated; when corrected the value failed to meet the £2m threshold and cockles are no longer separately distintguished in the tables. The figures have been included in Other shellfish.


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