
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2012

A detailed overview of landings of sea fish; the Scottish fishing fleet; and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.4 Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels by main species 1 and vessel length group: 2012

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
Overall vessel length group (metres) Overall vessel length group (metres)
<=10 >10-12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 over 40 Total <=10 >10-12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 over 40 Total
Cod 87 10 17 3,084 7,493 81 10,772 157 19 29 5,939 14,994 215 21,353
Haddock 22 5 82 9,679 20,841 10 30,639 19 6 61 9,227 22,711 11 32,034
Hake 0 0 1 505 6,511 11 7,029 0 0 1 660 14,121 16 14,799
Ling 2 0 2 873 3,270 1 4,147 2 0 2 1,171 4,734 1 5,911
Megrims 0 0 13 1,374 1,354 - 2,741 0 1 43 3,748 3,938 - 7,730
Monkfish 2 1 25 2,646 5,616 8 8,299 6 4 71 8,301 18,886 28 27,297
Plaice 4 0 15 422 569 1,888 2,898 3 0 12 313 504 2,326 3,159
Saithe 12 - 3 1,558 8,459 0 10,032 11 - 3 1,626 8,917 0 10,557
Whiting 4 0 47 3,699 5,266 16 9,033 3 0 41 3,695 5,851 18 9,607
Other demersal 26 4 24 1,572 3,039 5,470 10,136 61 6 39 2,545 5,891 1,798 10,339
Total demersal 160 22 228 25,413 62,419 7,485 95,727 263 36 301 37,225 100,548 4,413 142,786
Herring - - - 241 2 54,078 54,321 - - - 119 2 28,850 28,972
Mackerel 503 0 0 65 39 133,738 134,345 643 0 0 71 55 130,326 131,096
Other pelagic - - - 1,610 187 9,311 11,108 - - - 367 283 5,333 5,983
Total pelagic 503 0 0 1,916 228 197,128 199,774 643 0 0 556 341 164,509 166,050
Edible crabs 4,019 1,592 679 3,190 4 10 9,494 4,636 1,777 813 4,100 5 6 11,337
Lobsters 912 158 50 12 - 0 1,132 9,477 1,620 540 127 - 0 11,765
Nephrops 2,457 1,719 2,540 13,471 1,083 2 21,272 13,654 7,581 8,411 47,943 4,848 12 82,449
Queen scallops 29 6 20 14,142 600 - 14,797 29 4 10 5,673 210 - 5,926
Razor fish 462 100 28 228 - - 817 1,306 284 75 660 - - 2,325
Scallops 1,008 761 1,305 6,128 7,218 671 17,092 2,192 1,466 2,422 12,015 12,039 1,198 31,332
Squid 115 18 66 334 1,009 17 1,559 223 46 182 1,239 3,324 119 5,134
Velvet crabs 1,722 278 29 0 - - 2,029 4,087 696 70 0 - - 4,853
Other shellfish 634 156 49 164 97 3 1,103 933 171 31 313 123 9 1,581
Total shellfish 11,357 4,789 4,766 37,669 10,011 702 69,295 36,538 13,644 12,555 72,070 20,550 1,344 156,701
Total landings 12,019 4,810 4,995 64,998 72,658 205,315 364,796 37,444 13,680 12,856 109,852 121,439 170,267 465,537

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed by Scottish vessels was £2m or over in 2012.


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