
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2012

A detailed overview of landings of sea fish; the Scottish fishing fleet; and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.5.a Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels using demersal gears by main species 1: 2012

Demersal Gears
Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
Demersal trawl 2 Demersal seine Demersal twin/multi trawl Lines Gill nets Beam trawl Other methods Total Demersal trawl 2 Demersal seine Demersal twin/multi trawl Lines Gill nets Beam trawl Other methods Total
Cod 8,049 1,331 1,271 68 1 1 - 10,720 16,003 2,628 2,499 124 2 2 - 21,258
Haddock 23,076 5,138 2,132 2 - 1 - 30,348 24,706 4,873 2,204 2 - 1 - 31,786
Hake 2,890 185 226 3,602 104 1 - 7,008 4,267 272 330 9,652 250 0 - 14,772
Ling 2,122 81 597 1,248 91 0 - 4,140 2,814 105 813 2,055 114 0 - 5,901
Megrims 2,109 143 486 - 2 - - 2,740 5,991 449 1,283 - 5 - - 7,728
Monkfish 4,641 80 1,286 0 2,213 1 - 8,221 14,992 248 4,016 1 7,825 1 - 27,083
Plaice 1,717 138 923 1 0 80 - 2,860 1,815 124 1,103 1 0 86 - 3,128
Saithe 8,234 196 1,548 11 - 0 - 9,990 8,725 182 1,594 10 - 0 - 10,512
Whiting 6,330 1,641 907 0 0 1 - 8,880 6,785 1,833 870 0 0 1 - 9,489
Other demersal 3,500 389 611 536 58 40 - 5,133 6,369 950 1,156 522 125 182.64399 - 9,304
Total demersal 62,668 9,323 9,988 5,468 2,469 124 - 90,040 92,467 11,664 15,870 12,366 8,320 275 - 140,962
Other species a 3,942 103 248 1,439 5 28 29 5,794 5,795 452 469 2,468 22 62 77 9,346

(a) Other species include pelagic and/or shellfish species


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