
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2012

A detailed overview of landings of sea fish; the Scottish fishing fleet; and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.5.c Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels using shellfish gears by main species 1 : 2012

Shellfish Gears
Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
Creel fishing Nephrop trawl 2 Dredging Hand Shellfishing Other methods Total Creel fishing Nephrop trawl 2 Dredging Hand Shellfishing Other methods Total
Edible crabs 9,459 0 2 0 - 9,461 11,302 0 2 1 - 11,304
Lobsters 1,122 0 1 0 - 1,122 11,667 0 7 0 - 11,675
Nephrops 1,671 19,567 6 1 - 21,244 13,476 68,870 23 4 - 82,373
Queen scallops 16 23 14,075 - - 14,115 15 7 5,582 - - 5,605
Razor fish 5 - 15 794 - 814 16 - 43 2,257 - 2,316
Scallops 153 - 16,493 408 - 17,054 374 - 29,736 1,117 - 31,226
Squid 8 3 1 - - 12 15 9 6 - - 30
Velvet crabs 2,020 - 1 2 - 2,022 4,833 - 2 5 - 4,840
Other shellfish 747 0 45 43 - 835 1,009 0 73 93 - 1,176
Total shellfish 15,201 19,593 30,638 1,247 - 66,679 42,707 68,887 35,474 3,477 - 150,545
Other species c 74 492 61 0 0 627 99 553 167 - - 819

(c) Other species include demersal and/or pelagic species

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed by Scottish vessels was £2m or over in 2012.

(2) Bottom trawl gears catching demersal species have been included as demersal trawls, while bottom trawl gears catching nephrops have been included as nephrops trawls.


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