Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2012

A detailed overview of landings of sea fish; the Scottish fishing fleet; and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 2.7.b Effort of regulated gears in kwDays ('000) by Scottish based over 10 metre vessels by whether in Cod Recovery Zone ( 1) or not and gear type, 2000 to 2012

Whitefish Gear Nephrops Gear 1 Industrial Trawl Beam trawl mesh >=120mm Beam trawl mesh >=80 and mesh <120mm Gill Nets Trammel Nets Long lines
CRZ (1) 2000 41,311 9,996 14 5 5,443 46 2 152
2001 39,298 10,289 8 0 6,134 77 1 190
2002 31,991 13,353 2 972 4,688 54 - 286
2003 21,895 15,817 36 927 3,766 244 1 185
2004 17,219 14,914 12 846 4,609 264 0 153
2005 14,798 13,729 44 851 4,185 205 - 307
2006 13,764 13,066 0 684 3,109 295 - 379
2007 13,009 13,598 12 352 2,801 321 - 520
2008 14,166 14,026 - 69 1,356 423 - 655
2009 14,474 12,904 33 53 561 376 - 1,324
2010 12,805 12,121 28 - 144 441 - 1,024
2011 12,096 10,440 - - - 620 - 878
2012 11,428 9,831 27 - 68 576 - 586
non- CRZ 2000 2,646 1,403 - 15 95 591 75 242
2001 2,653 946 - - 2 713 103 332
2002 2,791 418 - - 7 647 112 306
2003 3,130 489 - 88 - 838 51 150
2004 2,960 444 1 100 - 1,184 13 184
2005 2,579 419 5 25 - 1,118 - 544
2006 2,180 388 - 21 - 672 - 1,020
2007 1,743 368 - - 4 395 - 1,158
2008 1,897 507 8 - - 654 - 1,815
2009 2,700 530 1 - 1 601 - 950
2010 2,861 462 - - - 649 - 998
2011 2,032 551 - - - 632 - 1,017
2012 1,443 326 27 - - 667 - 1,071
proportion in CRZ 2000 94% 88% 100% 25% 98% 7% 3% 39%
2001 94% 92% 100% - 100% 10% 1% 36%
2002 92% 97% 100% 100% 100% 8% - 48%
2003 87% 97% 100% 91% 100% 23% 1% 55%
2004 85% 97% 91% 89% 100% 18% 3% 45%
2005 85% 97% 90% 97% 100% 16% - 36%
2006 86% 97% 100% 97% 100% 31% - 27%
2007 88% 97% 100% 100% 100% 45% - 31%
2008 88% 97% - 100% 100% 39% - 27%
2009 84% 96% 97% 100% 100% 39% - 58%
2010 82% 96% 100% - 100% 40% - 51%
2011 86% 95% - - - 50% - 46%
2012 89% 97% 50% - 100% 46% - 35%

(1) For description of cod recovery zone see Annex 2: Glossary of Terms.

(2) Includes effort by vessels which are exempt from effort controls under Article 11 of Council Regulation ( EC) 1342/2008.


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