
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2013

Statistics on the Scottish fishing fleet and its catches in 2013

Table 1.1.n Quantity and value of landings by all UK vessels abroad, by main species 1: 2009 to 2013

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000) 2
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
UK vessels
Landings Abroad
Bass 41 50 31 83 32 247 318 198 580 164
Black scabbardfish 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 8 0
Blue ling 5 2 1 0 5 3 2 0 0 4
Brill 90 122 121 110 107 458 658 683 1,258 610
Cod 10,893 11,105 10,495 13,762 16,446 11,106 16,718 18,865 9,101 9,245
Haddock 1,553 1,900 1,574 1,176 1,086 1,326 1,900 1,887 1,156 698
Hake 1,545 1,300 1,378 1,812 2,487 3,575 2,407 2,321 4,188 6,679
Lemon sole 258 309 440 374 467 652 993 1,512 1,157 2,148
Ling 309 355 544 611 572 445 695 830 958 811
Megrims 1,018 1,298 1,392 1,284 1,297 1,947 3,149 3,847 3,910 3,756
Monkfish 2,157 2,651 3,285 3,161 3,479 7,047 8,972 11,158 11,973 10,771
Plaice 11,830 13,483 14,204 15,334 17,088 14,062 15,871 18,829 25,271 18,067
Pollack 232 277 392 462 635 527 856 1,111 1,174 1,447
Saithe 2,836 2,526 3,106 2,121 1,802 2,426 2,433 2,991 2,191 1,836
Skates and rays 229 339 375 272 300 292 507 562 410 640
Sole 507 576 360 282 541 4,301 6,000 3,848 7,367 3,929
Turbot 349 323 328 308 302 2,572 3,134 2,863 4,754 2,258
Whiting 146 292 324 348 652 108 238 296 453 585
Other demersal 6,896 16,979 13,047 7,843 9,150 5,407 6,899 6,672 4,963 3,962
Total demersal 40,895 53,884 51,398 49,350 56,449 56,501 71,751 78,476 80,871 67,610
Blue whiting 6,338 3,003 38 2,753 5,333 1,130 657 18 1,501 272
Herring 35,502 31,300 30,311 52,225 56,309 13,286 11,957 14,080 18,697 16,224
Horse mackerel 11,668 11,648 7,837 7,863 8,900 3,706 4,387 3,472 3,247 3,467
Mackerel 72,038 60,770 87,793 101,042 85,581 68,496 56,751 98,362 90,966 70,543
Other pelagic 15,367 24,841 11,689 5,937 1,152 4,216 8,028 5,650 4,444 1,970
Total pelagic 140,914 131,562 137,667 169,819 157,274 90,834 81,779 121,583 118,855 92,477
Brown shrimps 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1
Cockles 12 0 27 29 12 22 0 96 28 11
Cuttlefish 25 56 36 97 43 49 137 104 255 102
Edible crabs 2,174 1,880 1,778 2,462 2,844 2,296 2,174 2,305 3,316 4,324
Lobsters 24 25 17 24 28 303 321 233 265 258
Nephrops 556 463 245 164 199 1,917 1,791 1,466 978 1,108
Queen scallops 416 915 2,158 4,387 1,099 157 345 881 1,778 583
Razor fish 5 29 22 18 29 23 82 40 33 71
Scallops 4 17 57 60 223 6 22 108 102 384
Squid 186 203 210 302 224 691 808 1,119 1,579 936
Velvet crabs 13 1 0 1 0 14 2 1 2 1
Whelks 118 103 80 86 130 71 48 37 45 93
Other shellfish 165 6,480 1,825 7,106 515 226 11,126 4,485 10,165 1,367
Total shellfish 3,699 10,170 6,454 14,734 5,347 5,777 16,858 10,873 18,546 9,237
Total landings 185,508 195,617 195,520 233,903 219,070 153,112 170,388 210,932 218,271 169,325

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed into the UK or by UK vessels abroad was £2m or more in 2013.
(2) The methodology used to calculate value of landings was changed by the introduction of the Register of Buyers and Sellers ( RBS) in September 2005 - see discussion in Annex 1 - Methodology for further details.


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