
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2013

Statistics on the Scottish fishing fleet and its catches in 2013

Table 1.4 Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels by main species 1 and vessel length group: 2013

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
Overall vessel length group (metres) Overall vessel length group (metres)
<=10 >10-12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 over 40 Total <=10 >10-12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 over 40 Total
Cod 90 11 23 3,444 7,195 37 10,799 188 24 45 6,562 14,458 103 21,380
Haddock 3 7 65 12,079 22,427 8 34,589 3 10 56 12,448 26,158 9 38,684
Hake 0 - 2 642 4,862 3 5,509 0 - 2 1,058 12,306 4 13,369
Lemon sole 1 0 17 410 303 138 868 1.04 0.31 27.74 1,015 925.76 459.18 2,429
Ling 5 - 0 911 2,618 1 3,535 6 - 1 1,181 3,585 1 4,774
Megrims 0 0 1 1,366 972 0 2,340 0 0 2 3,278 2,312 0 5,592
Monkfish 2 1 11 2,758 4,205 10 6,986 4 3 28 8,428 12,048 35 20,547
Plaice 1 1 40 695 679 3,415 4,831 1 0 27 471 549 3,686 4,734
Saithe 24 - 2 2,479 8,343 9 10,856 18 - 2 1,992 7,098 0 9,110
Whiting 1 0 71 4,326 5,600 1 9,999 1 0 56 4,025 6,062 1 10,146
Other demersal 16 1 32 1,397 2,923 7,331 11,700 39 2 28 1,782 4,659 2,298 8,808
Total demersal 143 21 265 30,506 60,126 10,951 102,012 261 40 273 42,240 90,163 6,597 139,574
Herring - - - 25 3 57,680 57,708 - - - 8 2 22,688 22,698
Mackerel 497 - 1 162 32 133,301 133,993 481 - 2 185 44 125,426 126,137
Other pelagic - - - 977 153 9,557 10,686 0 - - 228 531 3,515 4,273
Total pelagic 497 - 1 1,164 188 200,539 202,388 481 - 2 421 577 151,629 153,109
Edible crabs 4,336 1,404 645 3,129 2 9 9,525 5,130 1,578 809 4,256 4 10 11,787
Lobsters 821 161 30 10 0 0 1,023 8,398 1,667 336 109 2 2 10,513
Nephrops 2,339 1,649 2,155 11,720 614 2 18,481 12,521 6,853 6,652 36,023 2,550 7 64,606
Queen scallops 10 6 41 9,691 407 - 10,156 11 3 21 4,850 149 - 5,034
Razor fish 509 190 51 104 - - 854 1,623 864 149 333 - - 2,969
Scallops 1,068 689 1,340 6,460 6,789 1,222 17,568 2,192 1,346 2,495 11,796 11,913 2,059 31,801
Squid 135 12 78 424 672 0 1,321 362 36 249 1,825 2,355 1 4,829
Velvet crabs 1,281 271 17 2 - - 1,570 3,177 739 48 10 - - 3,974
Other shellfish 854 351 370 164 36 - 1,774 906 276 170 316 19 - 1,687
Total shellfish 11,352 4,732 4,727 31,705 8,521 1,234 62,271 34,320 13,362 10,929 59,518 16,992 2,079 137,200
Total landings 11,992 4,753 4,993 63,375 68,834 212,724 366,671 35,062 13,402 11,203 102,179 107,731 160,305 429,882

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed by Scottish vessels was £2m or over in 2013.


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