
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2013

Statistics on the Scottish fishing fleet and its catches in 2013

Table 1.5.a Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels using demersal gears by main species 1: 2013

Demersal Gears
Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
Demersal Demersal Demersal Gill Beam Other Demersal Demersal Demersal Gill Beam Other
trawl 2 seine twin/multi trawl Lines nets trawl methods Total trawl 2 seine twin/multi trawl Lines nets trawl methods Total
Cod 7,786 1,356 1,457 74 0 2 14 10,688 15,426 2,630 2,947 157 0 3 23 21,186
Haddock 24,794 6,169 3,178 1 - - 8 34,151 28,359 6,318 3,638 1 - - 14 38,330
Hake 2,446 169 202 2,390 275 - 4 5,487 4,027 249 283 7,951 830 - 8 13,347
Lemon sole 626 45 172 0 0 1 0 844 1,775 126 471 0 0 3 1 2,376
Ling 1,798 72 784 775 77 - 9 3,515 2,395 98 1,060 1,099 79 - 16 4,746
Megrims 1,525 179 610 - 1 - 2 2,316 3,639 510 1,404 - 2 - 3 5,558
Monkfish 3,537 84 1,556 0 1,578 0 22 6,777 11,024 263 4,712 0 3,887 1 88 19,975
Plaice 2,782 118 1,624 0 0 269 0 4,793 2,694 84 1,667 0 0 268 0 4,713
Saithe 8,264 348 2,123 22 0 - 25 10,783 7,003 262 1,754 16 0 - 22 9,058
Whiting 6,712 1,685 1,274 2 - 0 4 9,678 6,825 1,759 1,298 2 - 0 3 9,888
Other demersal 6,940 237 687 355 88 115 10 8,432 5,591 314 1,002 317 138 568 6 7,936
Total demersal 67,212 10,460 13,667 3,620 2,020 388 98 97,464 88,758 12,612 20,234 9,545 4,935 843 184 137,112
Other speciesa 18,398 58 148 1,349 13 5 38 20,009 17,143 302 494 2,444 18 8 120 20,530

(a) Other species include pelagic and/or shellfish species


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