Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2013

Statistics on the Scottish fishing fleet and its catches in 2013

Table 1.5.c Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels using shellfish gears by main species 1 : 2013

Shellfish Gears
Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
Creel Nephrop Dredging Hand Other Creel Nephrop Dredging Hand Other
fishing trawl 2 Shellfishing methods Total fishing trawl 2 Shellfishing methods Total
Edible crabs 9,463 0 11 1 - 9,474 11,708 0 17 1 - 11,726
Lobsters 1,009 0 0 0 - 1,010 10,400 0 5 0 - 10,405
Nephrops 1,638 16,829 6 3 - 18,476 13,214 51,341 21 14 - 64,590
Queen scallops 6 0 9,247 0 - 9,253 6 0 4,568 0 - 4,574
Razor fish 25 - 86 728 - 839 75 - 269 2,576 - 2,920
Scallops 119 1 16,966 432 - 17,518 286 2 30,228 1,167 - 31,684
Squid 16 8 0 - - 23 38 28 0 - - 66
Velvet crabs 1,565 0 0 0 - 1,566 3,965 0 0 0 - 3,965
Other shellfish 1,165 1 343 62 - 1,570 1,059 1 197 121 - 1,379
Total shellfish 15,006 16,838 26,659 1,226 - 59,729 40,751 51,373 35,306 3,880 - 131,310
Other speciesc 85 1,348 54 - - 1,486 88 1,615 148 0 - 1,851

(c) Other species include demersal and/or pelagic species
(1) Main species are those where the total value landed by Scottish vessels was £2m or over in 2013.
(2) Bottom trawl gears catching demersal species have been included as demersal trawls, while bottom trawl gears catching nephrops have been included as nephrops trawls.


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