Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2013

Statistics on the Scottish fishing fleet and its catches in 2013

Table 1.7 Quantity and value of all landings into Scotland by district and main species 1: 2009 to 2013

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Total demersal 69 67 102 78 52 133 118 183 115 80
Total pelagic 12 16 48 29 8 11 12 55 34 8
Edible crabs 39 42 45 58 48 39 44 51 65 59
Nephrops 253 285 274 245 202 547 731 948 875 627
Scallops 537 320 214 385 411 874 537 444 1,030 811
Squid 976 487 296 334 222 1,857 1,667 1,401 859 630
Other shellfish 47 40 36 41 26 146 177 191 183 235
Total shellfish 1,853 1,174 864 1,062 909 3,463 3,156 3,035 3,012 2,362
Total landings 1,933 1,257 1,014 1,169 969 3,607 3,287 3,273 3,161 2,451
Total demersal 21 25 21 11 8 20 33 30 17 9
Herring 266 48 90 122 21 67 21 47 58 6
Sprats - - - 247 52 - - - 37 8
Other pelagic 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0
Total pelagic 266 48 90 371 74 67 21 47 97 15
Edible crabs 423 451 330 374 341 422 430 320 344 330
Green crab 22 20 17 50 44 12 10 10 31 30
Lobsters 48 53 45 37 29 513 562 467 369 289
Nephrops 2,747 3,349 3,561 3,525 3,027 6,607 7,927 10,017 10,323 8,718
Razor fish 247 430 306 322 212 664 1,197 891 929 659
Scallops 1,327 1,345 1,374 1,791 1,395 2,241 2,330 2,778 3,469 2,747
Velvet crabs 338 286 238 208 137 750 615 529 434 292
Whelks 35 42 57 51 62 16 24 33 32 40
Other shellfish 107 42 6 58 3 61 31 16 30 9
Total shellfish 5,294 6,019 5,934 6,416 5,250 11,286 13,126 15,061 15,961 13,114
Total landings 5,581 6,093 6,044 6,798 5,331 11,373 13,180 15,139 16,075 13,137

(1) Main species are those where the quantity landed into Scottish districts was 20 tonnes or over in 2013.


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