
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2013

Statistics on the Scottish fishing fleet and its catches in 2013

Table 1.7 Quantity and value of all landings into Scotland by district and main species 1: 2009 to 2013

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Black scabbardfish 1,021 902 473 415 430 2,221 2,122 1,095 624 816
Blue ling 693 1,237 (r) 484 211 227 484 1,362 (r) 614 214 268
Cod 1,206 1,192 (r) 991 867 1,215 2,180 2,300 (r) 2,148 1,687 2,370
Greenland halibut 894 648 (r) 133 40 65 1,768 1,857 (r) 453 78 187
Grey gurnards 4 10 12 32 34 - 7 4 14 12
Gurnard and latchet 7 14 22 19 33 4 26 18 7 28
Haddock 2,751 2,003 (r) 1,884 2,540 3,684 3,226 2,475 (r) 2,708 2,742 4,196
Hake 2,265 1,221 (r) 1,404 883 701 5,121 2,822 (r) 3,578 3,220 2,705
Lemon sole 25 19 22 31 50 50 35 51 63 141
Ling 901 625 (r) 593 493 461 1,062 827 (r) 910 727 660
Megrims 622 553 (r) 511 394 399 1,725 1,572 (r) 1,693 1,113 943
Monkfish 1,891 1,931 (r) 1,930 1,737 1,348 5,599 6,956 (r) 6,731 5,841 3,922
Plaice 54 67 61 55 124 38 48 48 46 106
Pollack 23 32 34 57 30 41 62 74 127 58
Portuguese dogfish 193 238 122 96 139 128 280 159 141 101
Red gurnards 77 96 82 35 38 20 37 23 8 35
Redfish 576 414 (r) 45 61 52 579 524 (r) 81 90 55
Saithe 4,577 2,304 (r) 1,961 1,194 1,671 3,135 2,042 (r) 2,063 1,211 1,437
Skates and rays 122 115 117 88 71 108 109 132 77 58
Tusk 320 101 (r) 117 45 42 245 67 (r) 88 33 29
Whiting 559 416 428 392 625 615 464 527 441 841
Witches 42 35 35 36 49 52 44 44 38 46
Other demersal 966 522 (r) 183 88 65 1,238 925 (r) 412 190 183
Total demersal 19,786 14,693 (r) 11,644 9,807 11,552 29,639 26,962 (r) 23,653 18,731 19,196
Total pelagic 8 41 6 8 18 1 19 3 4 6
Edible crabs 3,214 2,823 2,899 2,453 2,565 3,737 3,573 3,728 3,225 3,610
Lobsters 115 130 146 116 60 1,193 1,382 1,565 1,254 653
Nephrops 153 91 110 52 30 417 304 516 242 131
Scallops 538 477 528 659 1,002 1,170 840 1,506 1,359 1,757
Squid 113 373 283 53 114 255 998 1,004 197 400
Velvet crabs 121 118 112 108 53 250 264 261 226 119
Whelks 99 140 24 26 36 54 82 14 17 30
Other shellfish 366 482 9 8 1 107 131 30 25 10
Total shellfish 4,719 4,635 4,111 3,476 3,862 7,184 7,574 8,625 6,546 6,708
Total landings 24,512 19,370 (r) 15,761 13,291 15,433 36,824 34,556 (r) 32,281 25,281 25,911

(1) Main species are those where the quantity landed into Scottish districts was 20 tonnes or over in 2013.
(r) Some 2010 figures have been revised downwards due to doubled counting arising from duplicated records in the vessel file.


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