Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2013

Statistics on the Scottish fishing fleet and its catches in 2013

Table 1.11 Quantity and value of landings of key commercial stocks by Scottish vessels: 2009 to 2013

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
Stock 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Atlanto Scandian Herring 25,477 24,151 14,045 12,310 8,342 7,658 6,022 5,354 7,573 4,547
Clyde Herring 266 48 90 121 21 67 21 47 58 6
North Sea Herring (1) 14,004 11,160 (r) 16,029 33,641 39,091 4,677 3,680 (r) 7,766 17,212 14,629
West of Scotland Herring 6,750 6,400 7,552 8,248 10,211 2,177 1,958 3,807 4,129 3,493
North Sea Mackerel (2) 1,179 1,298 (r) 1,569 1,605 1,423 944 1,102 (r) 2,021 1,510 1,449
West of Scotland Mackerel 150,303 133,397 (r) 144,386 132,740 132,570 133,604 111,957 (r) 161,091 129,585 124,688
West of Scotland Blue Ling 182 136 74 47 204 183 171 101 69 290
North Sea Cod 9,051 11,567 10,141 10,564 10,619 16,288 22,976 22,459 20,934 20,975
West of Scotland Cod (VIa) 104 (r) 114 (r) 107 135 130 188 (r) 225 (r) 232 264 248
Rockall Cod (VIb) 48 23 37 11 9 90 51 97 24 19
North Sea Haddock 26,240 22,622 21,106 25,528 30,046 24,881 25,419 26,126 26,590 33,443
West of Scotland Haddock (VIa) 2,365 (r) 2,408 (r) 1,359 4,084 3,811 2,727 (r) 2,917 (r) 1,800 4,028 4,062
Rockall Haddock (VIb) 2,951 2,931 1,732 577 596 3,639 3,839 2,736 946 969
North Sea Hake 3,077 1,807 1,803 1,595 1,199 6,037 3,625 3,385 3,227 2,766
West of Scotland Hake 2,809 2,909 3,591 3,805 2,948 6,347 5,721 7,234 9,130 8,225
North Sea Ling 2,065 1,865 1,958 1,909 1,886 2,322 2,618 2,879 2,583 2,532
West of Scotland Ling 1,423 1,918 2,078 2,164 1,598 1,874 2,866 3,162 3,214 2,163
North Sea Megrims 1,426 1,410 1,355 1,370 1,655 3,783 3,888 4,512 3,893 4,128
West of Scotland Megrims 1,100 907 780 675 526 2,849 2,541 2,493 1,594 1,138
North Sea Monkfish 7,567 5,727 6,041 4,622 4,174 23,554 19,667 20,641 15,133 12,553
West of Scotland Monkfish 2,005 2,217 2,016 2,073 1,770 7,059 7,445 7,176 6,783 5,399
North Sea Nephrops 18,575 16,411 12,018 9,123 6,779 38,817 39,758 44,516 34,708 22,875
West of Scotland Nephrops 11,462 10,250 10,416 11,806 11,401 36,961 35,674 38,477 46,213 40,442
North Sea Saithe 8,820 7,856 6,546 5,487 7,224 6,137 7,209 6,967 5,978 6,191
West of Scotland Saithe 3,377 3,126 4,445 4,541 3,621 2,324 2,860 4,496 4,574 2,916
North Sea Tusk 86 70 71 60 70 56 64 70 58 51
West of Scotland Tusk 104 60 40 52 78 62 56 42 52 64
North Sea Whiting 7,456 6,533 7,511 8,716 9,751 7,392 7,345 9,212 9,258 9,734
West of Scotland Whiting 366 261 85 203 117 415 289 101 223 108
Blue Whiting 174 5,496 1,331 6,305 8,166 19 1,109 597 1,733 1,818
Edible Crabs 8,210 9,180 9,786 9,494 9,525 9,018 10,712 11,496 11,337 11,787
Lobsters 1,102 1,133 1,244 1,132 1,022 11,377 11,636 13,199 11,765 10,513
Scallops 17,328 18,762 15,783 17,092 17,568 29,936 31,923 30,935 31,332 31,801
Velvet Crabs 2,778 2,523 2,199 2,029 1,570 6,152 6,408 5,810 4,853 3,974

(1) Includes NS Herring (IVa & IVb) and NS Herring (IVc).
(2) Includes NS Mackerel (IVa) and NS Mackerel (IVb & IVc) but excludes Mackerel from the Shetland Box, allocated on West of Scotland.
(r) The 2008 to 2010 West of Scotland Cod and Haddock figures have been revised due to double counting; the 2010 West of Scotland herring figure did not include landings in IVb; the 2010 North Sea Mackerel and West of Scotland Mackerel figures have been revised because the former was overstated and the latter understated.


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